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Mysterious Brown Fog


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Well, I duplicated a cell in the Cell Window of the GECK, so that I could make an entirely custom cell. Now, I've made roughly half of my complex, which means I can't simply delete it, and start over. So, with that being said, here's my problem: Quite simply, my entire cell is flooded with this brown fog type stuff, and I can't see anything in-game, or in te GECK with sky turned on (that turns on fog as well as the sky.) Is this some kind of error in GECK, or am I missing some important piece, like a fog-remover?( :tongue: ) Thanks in advance.
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I'm not the most talented with the GECK, but the fog may be a setting in the original cell you duplicated. Did you check the cells settings? I could be very wrong here but its a thought.
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I'm not the most talented with the GECK, but the fog may be a setting in the original cell you duplicated. Did you check the cells settings? I could be very wrong here but its a thought.

Well, I duplicated the cell from the interior of an old grocery store. You might've been there in-game, it was the one that had the cereal boxes lined up like dominoes, which were knocked over by a ram when you stood on a pressure pad. I just used that simply because it was one of the first interior cells that I saw. It didn't really matter at all the contents, because I deleted everything inside the cell, including navmesh.

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Oh, ok, like I said it was just a thought. Beyond it maybe being in the cell's settings I don't know what to tell you. I'll take a look at my GECK and see if I can find anything.
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My idea is that there is some kind of, like wall, to block the fog. Because, you know how the cell is filled with that brown fog, and you just stick kit pieces inside that fog? Well, I think there's some kind of thing to keep the fog out, but, just like you, it's only a thought.
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I don't know maybe, I went into the GECK and duplicated a couple of cells to take a look at them and I didn't see any brown fog. What was the name of the cell you duplicated?
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WOW, I feel sooooo stupid! I figured out the problem. I had, very stupidly, changed the fog near, far, power, and clip distance settings to 0, thinking that meant that there would be no fog. THAT kinda backfired. Wow...

Lol I am glad I read through this before commenting! I had the same issue once, because I had done the same thing, mainly due to being half asleep and not really thinking about it. I didn't post here though and just stared at it for a couple hours, then it came to me lol.

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WOW, I feel sooooo stupid! I figured out the problem. I had, very stupidly, changed the fog near, far, power, and clip distance settings to 0, thinking that meant that there would be no fog. THAT kinda backfired. Wow...


Haha, I'm glad you worked it out. I'll make a note to myself not to do that either lol.

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