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Pickpocket humanoid creatures?


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I'm pretty new to mods so I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'd love to be able to pickpocket items, including quest items, from draugr and falmer. It doesn't make sense to be able to pickpocket animals like frostbite spiders of course, but it seems logical to be able to pickpocket falmer and draugr at least.

I'm playing a pacifist run (properly, not making others kill for me or anything) and something like this would be useful, and essential to completing certain quests with that style of playthrough.

If someone could give me an idea of if/how this could be done, that'd be great.


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Using calm/turn undead spells and sneaking mostly. There's a lot of stuff to enjoy in skyrim, and I can enjoy the little things more without having to kill loads of enemies. It also means sneaking is more intense since you can't just clear areas out, you have to be careful the whole time. I've only just started playing on the PC though, so mods are making it much more enjoyable so far. It'd be good if it was a more plausible option though, since if you want a house currently it pretty much requires someone to be killed.

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This can be done; I made Falmer and Hagravens (and Giants too, if I recall correctly) pickpocket-able in my Racial Tweaks mod. I did not think to include Draugr.

There was a problem with it: I turned the humanoid races into NPCs instead of creatures because I found the classification offensive (I'm a Snow Elf/Falmer fan :tongue:), but this meant that when they triggered killcams in battle it was a problem because it didn't actually damage them any. (Probably something to do with mesh skeletons or animations or something I have no idea about.) That part's now in an optional standalone version.

As a sneakmage, meaning I'm basically never close enough that they could kill me because of a failed killcam move, I never found it unplayable... and it sounds like if you're a pacifist it wouldn't really affect you any. If you are interested and don't mind the other (mostly but not entirely cosmetic) changes, it's here.


Edit: Turns out, looking at the latest release file, I did make Draugr pickpocket-able, I just never mentioned it in the notes, I suppose because that was the only change I made to them. So that works. I'm doing Dragon Priests now.

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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