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I need help finding something...


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I have been trying to find a good 3rd person crosshair for the silver ranger stylish marksman replacer...but because i have no 3rd p crosshair i cant use 3rd person with shooting can someone help me get a good 3rd person crosshair pls:D
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Try reporting yourself.


Not just for bumping (although frankly were I an administrator I'd have you made into a servitor for all your bumping ;) ) , but so they can move you. Best way to get their attention, and you're allowed to report misplaced threads.



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I dont bump. i add new posts stating things i forgot to put in the first one..most peopel dont look for edits they look for new posts...so i just post what i wanted extra to say in new ones...none is going to reade a post they have already read...maybe if it put at little thingy beside the thread saying it was edited then i would just edit but until then ill post new ones i dont bump i know its illegal. but i will report for misplaced thread thx :thumbsup:
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