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Request - Liberty Prime, Look over there!


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So, I got my first (3) Liberty Prime companion mod(s), because I'm going through a Robco Companion kick atm. First 2 didn't work, due to numerous pathing/ai bugs, but the one I'm currently using, obviously, worked well enough. However..he can't turn in combat. In 5 hours of gameplay with him, hes shot at 7 creatures, hit 3 of them, and did good damage once. Against a Bloatfly. Now, the damage wouldn't be a problem...I have Voodoo (helheim) who one shots everything, sadly. My problem comes from his inability to attack anything unless he gets really lucky. I can't even imagine this is an animation issue..I think Liberty Prime's script for the main quest didn't call for him turning, so the model lacks the ability. Of course, I know jack squat about modding.


Also: Throw more Bombs.

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