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Decent high rez T51b


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Most of the really high rez T51b's I've seen are a bit lackluster. Even the guy who puts out the DX textures dropped the ball with the T51b by putting out an all black skin that looks rather grotesque.


What I would really love is a high rez T51b skin in the same style as the other DX PA's with all sorts of cool readouts, glowey bits and such but with the Brotherhood logo plastered on it somewhere appropriate.

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well there is a mod that makes it kinda cooler by adding glowing tweaks its called glowy armor (something near that) and stuff or you could just download collouous power armor i belive the uploader added a t51b file it makes it much better :P
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i'm working on a darkgreen & grey 4096X4096 res (+ glow map ) for B.O.S. only...indipendendent from fort constantine one

should be out in a week or 2

anyway weijsen make a really good job in dx version

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4929 <---this is the best one in my opinion ,take a look

if u like the original I can manage to give you one of my test for a glowing map...just let me know

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you are right daniel ,col t51 b replacer is a real fury : )

beautyfull mod

there is only a thing... just a little detail that makes me choose to prompt a default model with hi res textures

col t51b 3d model is build of several 3d file melted up in nifskope . each one has got its texture about 2048X2048 or 1024X1024 for reasonable file size and less frame loss

so actually the resolution of the col replacer is 2048X2048

some other works like dx version or the one i said use only 2 or 3 maps ...a diffuse a bump and a glow map ...only diffuse map has 4096X4096 resolution so a decent pc can handle it very easily and use completely a 4096X4096 res

somebody even tried to use col model with dx textures.... resaults are surely amazing....but it means that 4096X4096 dx textures are used several times ...one for any part of col model...it means a big amount of memory usage


sorry for my terrible english

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well ur English is fine but your spelling is just a bit off :P also i know that it is but since i use the RAM boost and i have 5 gigs of ram its insanely good performance :P i run the game on ultra high :P but still the dude is right DX is pretty low quality (like he winged it :P) plus im running 3 collosus mods and 1 DX mod :o




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i'm quite happy u got a good pc...and maybe u're not the only one

the point is...textures...

col replacer is a fantastic mod....simply it is not hi res textured because the biggest texture in the pack is 2048X2048 and it have to be in this way because it uses 3 armor model or maybe more and when the mod has been released ram boost didn't exist

on the other hand ,other mods use 4096X4096 resolution and steamtacular was looking for hi res-skin

so the choices are few :a decent vanilla model with enhanced textures and good specular maps or a supermodel with flat textures and vanilla bump maps

third istance is mixing the 2 things but it can consume resources and for sombody it may be a problem

i can use 8192X8192 self made diffuse textures for armors, NMC's performance and hight bump map size and any possible visual enhancement on ultra without lag but this is not the point

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yea but i know its not the highest rez one but i shoulda mentioned this i modified them andd made them that high rez but i cant release it as a mod unless i wanna be banned :P it still doesnt cause lag so what im trying to say is its the best looking one but not the highest rez one. know what i mean?
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