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Request: Convert merman .blend mesh to .nif and texture


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I have tried to do it myself, but blender says that I have not installed python, even though I have already and done it in different ways.


I hope someone here is willing to help convert a merman mesh in blend format into nif format for skyrim, and texture it. The blend mesh is in the link, and the author allows it to be worked on.


merman mesh



Edited by firepower02
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While the idea may be interesting, this thing clearly needs new animations. At this state, if converted, it will look like a guy with a very long chest sunk in the ground, and horribly deformed when moving around.

Edited by Derok
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The animations will be taken care of once there is a usable skyrim nif mesh to animate. We have someone who will work on a an entirely new set of animations. :) For now, the merman will be entirely water dwelling, while waiting for new land animations, but he is not a helpless water creature, he can still go up the surface and cast magic.


If you, or anyone wants to convert this into a usable skyrim nif, and texture it at the same time, please do so. It is badly needed, don't worry about it deforming or other stuff, we already have that sorted out.

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I just think this may be interesting, if you include mermaids aswell. I just want to be helpful since I'm experienced with nif files, but I don't want to join the project.

Quality animations are HARD to make. By the way, Skyrim forces the same animations for all races. I think some modders manged to change this, but I don't know how.

Edited by Derok
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There is already a mermaid mesh, we just need a merman to go with it. It would be nice to have both gender races. Difference species would also be nice.

Like I've said, someone will take care of the animations, once the merman mesh is complete. We know how to have different animations exclusively for the mermaids only. Since you are experienced with nif files, maybe you should really help in converting the non-usable meshes for skyrim. There are a ton more mermaid meshes that needs converting, but I just posted a merman because there is already one mermaid mesh.

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I don't know what are you aiming for, but I guess you want very classic mermaids/mermen. I'd rather see a beast race, more fish looking with the body covered of scales and fins. But mod is yours :smile:


Anyway, before you can export a nif file, you need the to make a new skeleton and rig the model first.

Edited by Derok
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Yes, I want the traditional mermaid, humanoid from the waist up, and fish tail below half. I don't want it the other way around with fish upper half and legs lower half.


I could not get blender to work properly, I have followed the steps and installed all the components at the right directory, but when I try to export as nif, it will say that python is not installed or pyffi is not installed something, even though I already did. I am looking for someone good with nif to do it for me.

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