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Nexus Mods = ?


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I made this topic for one reason. Because it is stupid that Nexus will not allow anyone but the creator of a mod to upload a copy. I don't give a rats arse if someone else made it or whether or not they have rights to it. I have downloaded a lot of files for both the fallout games and found 1 thing to be true in every case....


Not One of the mods created has ever been copyrighted to the creator of the mod.


Why then this topic?


Well because I think it is time for Nexus to change their rules and to hell with what the creator of the mod thinks. Whoever re-uploads someone else's mod, they should give credit to the creator without having to worry about some Nexus Moron banning their account.


Now why would I think this....., well maybe it is because I have seen many many many times where one item REQUIRES another mod to operate properly. The Mod that requires another mod is still available on the Nexus.... But the MOD which IS REQUIRED, is NOT!!!!


For Example:


PipBoy 5000 JACKED by Ashven - this is a recolor of AlexScorpion's PipBoy 5000 and is still hosted on this Nexus website.



AlexScorpion's PipBoy 5000 - this is the mod which is REQUIRED to use the recolor and guess what.... IT IS NOT HOSTED ON THE NEXUS WEBSITE anymore!!!!


So why not delete all the re-colors and items which can not be used anymore because you or the original creator has chosen NOT to host the required mod here anymore????


or....., delete that stupid rule about not allowing others to re-upload other member's work and just make it where they CAN upload as long as they give credit to the ORIGINAL Creator.....


or..... delete every mod which requires another mod in order for it to work and make it a rule that you only allow stand alone mods.


or..... delete every mod which requires another mod which is no longer hosted on your website. Surely you can fix this....


The second and third options will require a lot of work by your website staff where as the first option will change only your rules so that mods which you no longer host, can be re-uploaded for others to use.

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I don't think OP has a clue what copyright is or what it means. Every mod is copyrighted whether or not the author say so or not. Everything posted on the Internet is automatically copyrighted as the Internet is legally a publishing medium.


Why do we care? Because WE are the ones who will be sued for allowing people to upload copyrighted material.


This may help understand copyright - PLEASE read it before making any more comments about something you really don't know anything about.



By uploading someone elses mod without their permission YOU are breaking the law. Not just some silly rule on a rinky dink gamer site. :rolleyes:

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