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Unending loading screen


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Rusty- Yeah, thats what I thought. Thanks for the confirmation! :thumbsup:



varathiel- I may have forgotten to mention this, but when you uninstall those mods, you need to make a clean save after uninstalling them, without those mods being active. If you didnt do that, try it. Then reinstall your mods and load the clean save.

you can indeed uninstall without losing the saves. During the uninstall process it will ask you if you want to uninstall your savegames too. Tho, unless you back them up to another location, you WILL lose your mods, and all your screenshots (if you take screenies).


One other thing tho.... how much system RAM do you have available when you're playing? Loading level areas and savegames sucks down MASSIVE amounts of RAM with this game. You might try going into program manager (ctrl + alt + del keys all at the same time) and ending some of the programs that you've got running to free up more system memory while you play. And again, as Rusty said, exiting the game here and there for a minute or two to let your RAM refresh.


Heh, Rusty Ninja'd me. Replied while I was typing. Sneaky devil!

Edited by DarkeWolf
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Ugh. Well,it sounds like you've covered a lot of the bases then. Might have to go ahead with that uninstall/reinstall :sad:

But I've got an idea, but not sure on the implementation.


Hey Rusty, do you know if it's possible to use the console command teleport, before going to camp? I'm wondering if maybe varathiel could try hitting the camp from a different city/town?

And which command would that be to use?


BTW- try cooking them first, I've heard that some of the gods are fond of Rotisserie chicken :wink:

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I don't know of a command to teleport to other locations but runscript zz_camp_debug might be worth a try, it allows you to set the plot flag for and start the camp ambush, as well as teleport to the first camp you make. Another one worth a try would be runscript zz_lot_debug which starts the Lothering Debug Helper Script which allows modification of plot states and teleporting. Trigger all the plot states and then try to leave. WARNING - the debug routines have bugs and can sometimes bork your current game's ending; use at your own risk.
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Finally i have solved the problem and i can continue the journey even if to do so i have had to uninstall DA and every mods / DLC.


A special THANKS to RustyBlade, DarkeWolf, danscott84 and Advize for all your help and support. / kiss 'n' hug

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Well I'm sorry that we couldnt figure out what the problem was and that you had to go through an uninstall/reinstall, but I am glad to hear that you got it working again.

I hope that it runs smoothly from here on out.


Have fun!

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