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CM Partner programing troubles


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Lately I've been working on a mod that would add several CM partners and a selection of dungeon/player homes. With the first one just out side of Chorral that included several clues to where the others are.


I started out with the CM's using faces from some downloaded game saves then I set about fine tuning the classes to what I want them to do. Next I build the first dungeon/home and placed a few of the CMs and some additional NPC's simply named "Bandit Guard" to make it look like a player run bandit hide out.


How ever I noticed a few times that random bandits I encounter on the roads have appeared completely naked. They have no gear, weapons or items what so ever on the. Currently the only mods I'm running on this save are the race I made them in and the 2 required CM Partners programs for it to work. I have yet to try running any dungeons since I was a little busy this weekend and haven't had much time to dedicate to gaming.


On a side note.

There is one thing I can think of that would cause this is and that is at one point I did try setting it up so that the CM's would spawn with random leveled gear like the Bandit NPC's that you'd find in dungeons. Each peace was from the vanilla inventory but for the most part would be missing from them in game when I first went looking for them so I abandoned this idea after 3 tries and gave them what I thought the class would best use. Before this initial test I had been running WAC and a number of other programs that changed the drop items from bandits in game. that may have screwed with the basic Oblivion program.

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If your standard road bandits were okay before you started making your mod, the problem is probably your mod, unless you have been installing other bandit mods during the same time period.


So your mod probably has unintentional edits (mod dirt) in one of two areas:


The bandit leveled list which randomly chooses which bandit NPC will spawn from a spawn point.


The leveled lists which decide which items various NPCs will carry. If this is the case, the problem will be more widespread than just bandits. You might start finding partly bare townsfolk, marauders, and others.


So it would be good to inspect and modclean your mod and make sure that the only objects, NPCs, and leveled lists and so forth which register as having been changed are items with unique form IDs such as AAMyCMCompanionWanderPackage or AAMyCMCompanionSilverDagger.


If you think WAC and your other mods are messing up your play-tests, you might want to turn them off so you can be sure what is happening.

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I started a clean game save with out any mods running and skipped the starter dungeon with the coc testinghall. After that I went north of Anvil where a number of bandits tend to spawn and turned mods on one by one till all the needed ones where running, So far there are no naked bandits. I'll be redoing the entire bit this after noon after I get off work to see if it was something I did in the starter dungeon that caused that burp in the games code or one of the mods after all.
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