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HiAlgoBoost Motion Blur Issue


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So, HiAlgoBoost is a must on my (not for gaming) PC.


And it works.........except for the motion blur when i look horizontally.


Any time I swing the camera on the x-axis (sideways), screen resolution drops dramatically and I get an instant massive lag hit, often resulting in freeze up or CTD. But looking and moving straight forward or up and down is not an issue.


Also, I use a 360 Controller.


Any ways to fix, or at least reduce the motion blur?



Thanks, Chris Dovahkiin

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That motion blur is actually what Hialgo is doing. Lowers the screen resolution when moving to make it run smoother (just not necessarily prettier).


However, the lag spike is not what should happen (should be the opposite, really). Do you have the same issue when not using Hialgo?

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That motion blur is actually what Hialgo is doing. Lowers the screen resolution when moving to make it run smoother (just not necessarily prettier).


However, the lag spike is not what should happen (should be the opposite, really). Do you have the same issue when not using Hialgo?

Thank you for the quick reply.

Nope. But instead of the extreme motion sickness, it is choppy, clippy, and laggy.

However, some areas (Whiterun, College of Winterhold, and Riften) are only playable withOUT Hialgo and actually run quite smoothly without it.


I've disabled every texture enhancing mod, installed several reduced texture mods, completely deleted and reinstalled Skyrim + all mods, and can still only play on Low Settings (and barely at that).


These are my (crappy, I know) specs:


Windows 7 64bit

AMD Phenom II X2 521 3.50 GHz

4 Gb RAM

Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT 1 Gb VRAM


If I save up for an AMD 5970 2 Gb and get 8 Gb of RAM, do you think that will help?


Or maybe you have a better idea of a graphics card?

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Honestly, I can't really offer any suggestions as to a better graphics card as I am not really a hardware expert, but I am assuming any upgrade to your card and RAM will help.


As for Hialgo, have you posted on their site for help? They would most likely be the most equipped to help you troubleshoot their program.

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