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Looking for a different style of VATS


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I believe the only thing that has really bothered me about Fallout on the 360 version was the VATS system. It of course is incredibly useful, but the game is an fps. It always felt like such a huge handicap. I don't want to remove VATS from the game entirely though. I was hoping perhaps there is a mod out there that doesn't enter you into the VATS aiming mode but rather slows speed down to say... half, draining AP while it is active, providing you with an edge, a time frame to make some vital, yet still skill based, accurate shots.


I know it changes the VATS system completely but this Max Paine style VATS would be more fun and not feel so... cheap. And it sounds simple enough to me to make it happen, I just cant find anything like it on Nexus... still looking of course.


Thank you for any helpful responses.

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OOOOO! I found something DK_BulletTime would this mod conflict with FWE-FO3 Wanderers Edition?


FWE has bullet time in it already, so you shouldn't have to get another mod. I believe it's this actual mod in the FWE edition, but I don't know if they tweaked it or changed anything.

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