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CM Partners Mod Basic and Companion Share and Recuit


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So I installed CM Partners Mod Basic first and now all my companions just follow me too closely. Whenever we're in a fight, my companion would just stay withing 3 feet of me and stare me down while wielding his/her weapon. They fight sometimes, but then they revert back to staring me down. I tried messing with the combat behavior and that works sometimes and doesn't work most of the other times.


So because of this problem, I went ahead and downloaded and installed Companion Share and Recruit since I had good experiences with that mod in Fallout 3. It seems to be helping but they still follow me so damn closely. Maybe I need to "xbreakup" using the CM Partners Mod Basic command first then "recruit" with the Companion Share and Recruit.


I guess my question would be how can I keep them farther away from me and do battle on their own without always following so closely to me all the time using CM Partners Mod Basic.


My second question would be if it's recommended to use these two mods at the same time.


Thanks for the help guys.

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