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Fallout 3 Scripting Help


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Alright, so i'm pretty new to scripting in fallout 3, i have previous programming experience and i've looked at most all tutorials on scripting i can find but i have this one question. As of this moment i'm working on making a simple ammo vending machine, you interact with the machine, and then a menu come up asking you what type of ammo you wish to purchase, now how do i make it so that when you click on an option a box/form appears that allows the player to enter a numerical value? and then make that value usable in a script so i can add that amount of said item/ammunition to the players inventory? Thank you in advance for any help.
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As far as I know, you can't get the game to read numeric entries. You could make a convoluted menu system where you select each digit to form a number, but realistically, you are better off having a sub menu system with a preset number of rounds. Like the first menu lets you select the ammo type and the sub-menu lets you pick from 10, 25, 50 or 100 rounds or the like.
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You could create new UI elements that allow the user to adjust and choose a value with a slider, arrows, or other controls, like DarN has done, but that's not a project I'd recommend even an experienced modder taking on lightly. Even through that process, there's no kind of text entry method.


Unfortunately, the only alternative is what pkleiss has suggested - a MessageBox menu where you give the user some pre-defined options to choose.

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