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A Stadium!


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I know Washington has the Nationals team, so would a professional baseball stadium be out of the question? It could be filled with raiders or mercs having huge battles or maybe super-mutants. There could be locker rooms and lots of other spaces too. Just a huge open area with lots of seats would be really cool.
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Back in the 50s the DC pro team was the Washington Senators. They moved to Minnesota and were renamed the Twins in 1960. Another Team, again named the Senators played there from 1961 to 1971 then moved to Texas and became the Rangers. Both of these were AL franchises (the present Team, the Nationals are a NL franchise.)


I would like to suggest that the name of the FO3 baseball franchise attached to the stadium be the Washington Senators. And someone could possibly change the baseball caps found in the game to have the Senators logo - it can be found here: http://www.sportslogos.net/team.php?id=79


I remember one sportscaster saying about Washington "First in war, first in peace and last in the American league."

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That's a cool idea. It could help a lot with leveling. Maybe you could put a pitching machine on the mound that has infinite baseballs so you could try to play after killing all the raiders. I hope someone makes this.


~ Acavedo

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