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Need help with mages


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i recently downloaded a couple of mods and all of a sudden morrigan and wynne cant use stuff with restrictions but my other characters can use stuff like lyrium potions and tomes of the arcane

but mages cant use lyrium potions or equip robes.


mods installed when issue began ]


level 50


winter forge


armour of the devout with warrior pious patch


two spec sten


Slender Armor and Fixes for Human and Elf Female


Universal Dye Kit


i have alot more mods but the issue began after installing these


any help would be appreciated




nevermind the issue seems to have resolved itself

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If I had to bet, I would say it is the warrior pious patch that is somehow causing the issue. The Slender Armor and Fixes for Human and Elf Female doesn't mess with restrictions, nor does the two spec sten. I have everything else you have there installed except the pious patch so that is what I base my assumption on. Looks like you will have to uninstall the Devout entirely, then reinstall it without the patch to see if that is the issue.
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