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Have you used mods before?


If you use Win7 or Vista: With Steam, just make sure you install it to C:\Games or some other custom folder. Otherwise, the UAC will give you trouble.


OBMM's installation is the same, but with Steam you need to copy over all three DLLs in the OBSE folder (leaving the EXE.) You use the regular launcher to install the game. Make sure, that Enable Steam Community In-Game is enabled (and I was told that this is a default setting.)

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Have you used mods before?


If you use Win7 or Vista: With Steam, just make sure you install it to C:\Games or some other custom folder. Otherwise, the UAC will give you trouble.


OBMM's installation is the same, but with Steam you need to copy over all three DLLs in the OBSE folder (leaving the EXE.) You use the regular launcher to install the game. Make sure, that Enable Steam Community In-Game is enabled (and I was told that this is a default setting.)


In another thread I was told if I had steam, I'd need to reinstall ALL my steam games to that new folder. Is this true? Seems a bit excessive for playing Oblivion with most the mods. (I can get some to work, but none that simply replace files like skeletons and animations)


It was also suggestion that I just turn UAC off on the steam apps folder. But how does one do that? I can only locate global controls for UAC.


Bit of a newb to both steam & windows 7 (new alienware rig here). :(

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I have no real help via UAC (XP user), but regarding OBSE - copy the exe also, but change the extension. Certain OMODs that require OBSE check only for the .exe. So if you have it in the folder all you have to do it rename it to an .exe, activate the OMOD (so it passes the check) and then change the .exe extension before playing. IMO that beats trying to dig up the OBSE zip, copying and deleting the loader.
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Have you used mods before?


If you use Win7 or Vista: With Steam, just make sure you install it to C:\Games or some other custom folder. Otherwise, the UAC will give you trouble.


OBMM's installation is the same, but with Steam you need to copy over all three DLLs in the OBSE folder (leaving the EXE.) You use the regular launcher to install the game. Make sure, that Enable Steam Community In-Game is enabled (and I was told that this is a default setting.)


In another thread I was told if I had steam, I'd need to reinstall ALL my steam games to that new folder. Is this true? Seems a bit excessive for playing Oblivion with most the mods. (I can get some to work, but none that simply replace files like skeletons and animations)


It was also suggestion that I just turn UAC off on the steam apps folder. But how does one do that? I can only locate global controls for UAC.


Bit of a newb to both steam & windows 7 (new alienware rig here). :(

Steam games are installed to the Steam folder, so you have to reinstall Steam to move your games, which means you have to reinstall the games too. It is largely a matter of registry keys. You could not just copy and past the folder or something. Reinstall Steam to C:\Games and reinstall your games. It does not make sense to have a half working game (which is what you have right now.)



I have no real help via UAC (XP user), but regarding OBSE - copy the exe also, but change the extension. Certain OMODs that require OBSE check only for the .exe. So if you have it in the folder all you have to do it rename it to an .exe, activate the OMOD (so it passes the check) and then change the .exe extension before playing. IMO that beats trying to dig up the OBSE zip, copying and deleting the loader.

No. That does not make sense. Files are considered installed, when they are in the Data folder. That is the scope of the game. I have not heard of a mod's scope reaching outside of it. A mod should not be checking for the presence of that EXE file. OBSE is about scripting. OBSE itself is not a regular mod, so that is a different story, but OBSE plugins definitely do not need to look for the EXE. That really makes no sense to me, even with my very limited understanding of OBSE. I have been using it for quite some time. Where did that come from...? Maybe a poorly written installer checks for it, but not a mod...



install the game to C;//? crikey, i installed it into the steam area, should i uninstall it and reinstall it somewhere safer then?

It only matters that the folder is custom. The name does not matter. A lot of users just happen to choose C:\Games, so that is what I suggest. Plus, it is short, and keeps things kind of consistent when trying to help non-XP users.
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Neither OBSE or OBMM is a mod - they are utility programs - and they do not install like a mod, so read the directions first. As for other mods, they install exactly the same in the steam version as the disk version. OBSE has some special install instructions for steam. OBMM will work fine with steam after it is installed.
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Steam games are installed to the Steam folder, so you have to reinstall Steam to move your games, which means you have to reinstall the games too. It is largely a matter of registry keys. You could not just copy and past the folder or something. Reinstall Steam to C:\Games and reinstall your games. It does not make sense to have a half working game (which is what you have right now.)


Okay, reinstalled both steam and the game to a new folder called "c:/games". Actually seeing less mods than before in terms of what shows up in game. Do I need to do something with the settings on this folder in regards to UAC?


Any clear advice appreciated. New to Windows 7 from an old XP machine. This UAC stuff is all new, unfamiliar and rather frustrating at the moment.

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By placing Steam into C:Games you have removed UAC from the picture with the exception of needing to be an Administrator to change some of the desktop icons. UAC will no longer prevent a mod from working in your game.The mods not showing up in the game is caused by not having a current version of Oblivion(1.20416),a load order conflict, or not having everything installed correctly (like OBSE,compatability patches,etc...)
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By placing Steam into C:Games you have removed UAC from the picture with the exception of needing to be an Administrator to change some of the desktop icons. UAC will no longer prevent a mod from working in your game.The mods not showing up in the game is caused by not having a current version of Oblivion(1.20416),a load order conflict, or not having everything installed correctly (like OBSE,compatability patches,etc...)


Guess I have a lot to learn still...

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