yeldarb Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 Read the pinned Topics in these forums and Tomlongs links. Most of the questions that people post here have been answered before, but searching through hundreds of topics can be annoying. Most of the information people like myself give is already available in the pinned Topics or available in articles on TESNexus, the Oblivion wiki,etc..., but they can not help you if you do not know how to find them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nysimmer Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 Read the pinned Topics in these forums and Tomlongs links. Most of the questions that people post here have been answered before, but searching through hundreds of topics can be annoying. Most of the information people like myself give is already available in the pinned Topics or available in articles on TESNexus, the Oblivion wiki,etc..., but they can not help you if you do not know how to find them. Just learned that some of what I'm dealing with appears to be issues from some of the mods themselves. For example finally got the "sexy walk" animation to work. after sifting through the entire endorsement thread, someone pointed out that the OMOD is busted and the "select all" selection causes the animation to not show up at all. Deactivated it and reactivated it according to that one post's prescription and it works just fine. So makes me wonder if I'm not not doing things more right than I think. Ah the joys of open source...! :) Currently having trouble getting body replacers and skeletons to work right or fully. Was kinda hoping that by coming in late to this game's history, all this would have been consolidated into one simple spot where one could easily get a big bundle mod that magically has everything that suits my tastes. Unrealistic wish I know as everyone's tastes vary and this really is an a la carte sort of set up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeldarb Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 OBMM is the best way to install body replacers since the Roberts Male and Female, HGEC,Exnem,UFF already exist as OMODs or in a format to be converted into an OMOD by OBMM. Corronera's Maximum Compatability Skeleton (TESNexus php?id 27945) is the best Skeleton available,but some mods will overwrite your current skeleton when you install them.I will always reinstall Corronera's because it works with most of the mods that require a special skeleton. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nysimmer Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 OBMM is the best way to install body replacers since the Roberts Male and Female, HGEC,Exnem,UFF already exist as OMODs or in a format to be converted into an OMOD by OBMM. Corronera's Maximum Compatability Skeleton (TESNexus php?id 27945) is the best Skeleton available,but some mods will overwrite your current skeleton when you install them.I will always reinstall Corronera's because it works with most of the mods that require a special skeleton. So you always manually overwrite the compatability skeleton after installing and activating a new body replacer OMOD? Seems you have some experience with several of these mods. Before adding a bunch of other mods on this clean install, just starting with the basic characters and trying to get those right (beautiful people, body replacers, animation replacers, etc.). I've gotten the male OMOD replacer bundle to work. But I keep getting hung up trying to install Corronera's BBB meshes over the HGEC OMOD. I realize that the animations are no longer included with this file. But I've not even gotten far enough to test the animations. Instead, each time I try to use the BBB meshes, the meshes on female characters jumps back to default meshes and textures. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? The BBB comments thread is little help. I've found it littered with complaints about the current mod not working, some with similar problems, others not seeing the animations (which again I realize are not included anymore), whilst others give it a thumbs up saying it works perfectly. The history of that thread doesn't reveal much other than some of the ugliness that surrounded the mod's original release form when it included animations. :/ EDIT: Okay, one of these mods that I'm adding one by one has lead to a strange result: they eyeballs of all my imperials have gone missing! Yikes! Have very few things running so should be easy enough to sort out the culprit. The solution though... ugh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeldarb Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 (edited) The individual body parts need to be installed for BBB to work, You need to replace the meshes inside your Data\Meshes\characters\ _male that are installed when you install HGEC with the upper body,lower body,hand and foot that BBB needs.The meshes are identical to the HGEC originals in game,they just allow the animations for BBB to work to create the bouncing when a character is naked. Just use one top and one bottom and one foot- preferably your favorite size that you picked for HGEC. EDIT The eyeball issues are caused by BP The solutions have been posted in a recent Topic(within the last month) and Tomlong also has posted a link on how to fix this. Edited July 15, 2010 by yeldarb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nysimmer Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 The individual body parts need to be installed for BBB to work, You need to replace the meshes inside your Data\Meshes\characters\ _male that are installed when you install HGEC with the upper body,lower body,hand and foot that BBB needs.The meshes are identical to the HGEC originals in game,they just allow the animations for BBB to work to create the bouncing when a character is naked. Just use one top and one bottom and one foot- preferably your favorite size that you picked for HGEC. EDIT The eyeball issues are caused by BP The solutions have been posted in a recent Topic(within the last month) and Tomlong also has posted a link on how to fix this. Thanks for the heads up on the eyeballs! As far as getting the BBB bodyparts to show up, I've gone and replaced them in several attempts, using the path as provided in the .rar file. But like I reported in my prior post, each time I do this, the body defaults back to the same poorly modeled and textured Bethesda defaults (with underwear, which is a dead giveaway that I'm looking at default artwork.) I've tried using different .nifs from the different shapes and sizes, thinking that maybe one of the sets was corrupt or something. Still no joy. The only way to get the HGEC models to reappear is to deactivate the HGEC OMOD, reactivate it and select a different set of sizes so it reloads new .nifs over the one's I'm copying from the BBB meshes. Edit: Should add that when something is updated via the mod manager, it creates a .nif with a little lock on it. when I overwrite it by hand, that lock disappears. again as I am new to windows 7, is this something indicative that I'm running into some issues with UAC still, even though I changed the root folder for steam and did all that reinstalling? Or could there actually be a problem with the BBB files since they are only displaying those default bethesda meshes and textures? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeldarb Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 Open the download to the point where you have the files individually named such as footfemale.nif. Then open the Oblivion\Data folder to the same level and manually replace the files. Remember that you need Exnems Nude Body OMOD active before you activate HGEC. When OBMM asks you to overwrite a file select yes to all. Once you have HGEC installed and working, then use the HGEC body parts in BBB to overwrite the hand,foot upper and lower body. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nysimmer Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 Open the download to the point where you have the files individually named such as footfemale.nif. Then open the Oblivion\Data folder to the same level and manually replace the files. Remember that you need Exnems Nude Body OMOD active before you activate HGEC. When OBMM asks you to overwrite a file select yes to all. Once you have HGEC installed and working, then use the HGEC body parts in BBB to overwrite the hand,foot upper and lower body. Looking for some clarification: So I need Exnem's Eye Candy OMOD also in addition to the HGEC OMOD to get the BBB parts working? Currently, I can get the HGEC OMOD to work just fine on its own. But when I do that manual replace of those .nifs, it makes the character go back to default models. Not sure how I can describe this problem any clearer. Further information for diagnosis: just to see if the skeletons are overwriting correctly, either the BBB skeleton .nifs or the compatability ones, I downloaded the Birdy BBB Armor (since it conveniently drops a copy of the object into any characters inventory). When I equip the armor, both breast models blow all to hell and infinity, implying that either of those skeletons are not getting read by Oblivion. I have a feeling whatever is preventing those skeletons from not being read is related to what is making the overwrites with BBB meshes display only Bethesda defaults instead. Though these items are not OMOD ready archives, should I be using OBMM to create OMODs of the skeletons for example? Because as it stands, direct overwrites are not working. And to be clear these ARE in the correct place according to the file structure found in the .rar's: Oblivion/Data/Meshes/Characters/_male/skeleton.nif , same for skeletonbeast.nif and a corresponding skeleton.nif in the /_1stperson folder in /characters Edit: Sonuvagun, turning the skeletons .rar into an omod instead of doing it manually seemed to make THOSE work. the birdy armor now works, but is rigid. the manual rewrite of the BBB version of the sexy walk produces no bounce. so do I need to do everything through OBMM via OMODs? OR is there some Win 7 security conflict that is creating this behavior? Second Edit: Ayup. Just went and made a new .rar with the correct file structure to overwrite the .kf (or whatever the animation file extension is) for the sexy walk animation and I now have bounce with Birdy BBB Armor... betting if I do the same with my precise choices of BBB meshes, I'll get this working. Again, if anyone knows the answer and a solution regarding why I need to do this OMOD work around instead of being able to manually update files, please toss it out there! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeldarb Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 I am not sure but the problem may be caused by the OBMM default settings, are you using a form of archive invalidation like bsa redirection in OBMM utilities? I have been trying to figure out what changing other settings can do, but I am very nervous about creating havok in my own game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nysimmer Posted July 15, 2010 Share Posted July 15, 2010 I am not sure but the problem may be caused by the OBMM default settings, are you using a form of archive invalidation like bsa redirection in OBMM utilities? I have been trying to figure out what changing other settings can do, but I am very nervous about creating havok in my own game. hmm... will look into this. it's under settings in OBMM? will get back shortly. So I've not gone into settings ever until now. FWIW, these are the boxes I have checked: - Warn on script ini edt- Display warnings when running scripts- Allow additional script types- Show misc warnings- Show esp deactivation warnings- Enable conflict tracking- New esps always load last Looks like Safe Mode is the culprit? Or does that do the inverse of what I'm thinking? Tool tips are kinda misleading... at least for me today :P Edit: Okay, looking through utilities now, BSA redirection IS turned on under archive invalidation... is that the ideal setting or my circumstances? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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