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So, I am trying to make a gun that shots various things, such as maybe a sniper that fires a model of doctor li or something like in HL1. I have a brahmin gun, but that nif was created for me...


So, can anyone tell me to either get the file I need from the fallout directory and how to take out animations, or someone make a static nif of a scientist and i will credit you as co-author and cite you in my mod? A good tutorial would be awesome too.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Ha! Its me again...


The way I created the static brahmin nif was to open a static nif (the cratelarge01.nif) and the brahmin nif and then block --> copy branch the NiTriStrips & NiTriStripsData from the brahmin nif and block --> paste (or paste over) them into the projectile nif. I had to 'strippify' the NiTriShape node in the Brahmin.nif to turn it back into a node with NiTriStrips & NiTriSripsData first. Then I had to re-adjust the arrays that pointed to these two nodes the same way they were setup in the crate nif. That was about it. But as I told you before, I am not that good with this stuff, so it took me some trial and error. With one node I did a paste over, with the other I had to simply paste it. This meant I had to delete the original node and move the new one into the correct position (though its not mandatory, its just looks better when related nodes are grouped together) I kept another copy of the crate nif open to make sure that the NiTriStrips and NiTriStripsData nodes were linked by the proper arrays.


When that was done I manually adjusted the collision geometry in bhkConvexVerticiesShape to fit the brahmin instead of the crate. As the crate only had 8 verts, it didn't take that long.

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All of the support files for Fallout 3 (well, most of them anyway) are stored in archives called BSAs. They have a file extension of .bsa. Fallout 3 has six and each of the DLCs has two more. All of the meshes (.nif) are in the one called 'Fallout - Meshes.bsa' and the textures (.dds) are in 'Fallout - Textures.bsa'. These are in your \Data folder. You need to use a tool such as FOMM's BSA unpacker to extract these files into their proper sub-folders. If you select two or more files from within a BSA using FOMM's BSA unpacker, the tool will extract the files to their proper folders and create that folder if it doesn't exist. I always extract at least two files for this reason. If you only select one file, you will have to specify the folder yourself. Once you have mastered that, you can start messing with meshes and textures to your heart's content. But I strongly urge you to experiment with new files - meaning don't modify the originals, make a copy with a new name and screw around with those.


And, no, you don't need to find a flux capacitor, I have a spare handy already. :P

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