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Immersion - skinned animals


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So here is my thoughts and request...

You know how when you kill a deer or elk or bear, you can get it's pelt, much like when you kill an NPC you can take their armor. But when you take an NPC armor, after that action you have a naked NPC, but when you skin a bear, the bear still has fur.


Could you make a texture of a bloody bear (and elk and deer) .... something like the muscle skeleton for the different animals? I see something like this on different draugr... you can see old muscle and bones.


So once you "Skinned" the animal of it's hide the next thing AFTER that action you see a skinned animal.



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Hmm I wonder if that can work like the Briar warriors , you can take the heart out then it changes the skin model , so what i've seen. Hope this gets the attention it needs!

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