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Companion! for ashura's batman mod


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It hit me like a bolt one day. I am Batman. Where is my ward? Then something else hit me. Wait, not Robin... he's a little ah, fruity... Then after getting to my feet from being hit twice, I was struck once again. Robin becomes nightwing who is strangely not as gay. After a trip to the hospital from idea related injuries, I resolved to post a request for a nightwing companion for use in conjunction with Ashura's Batman and Catwoman mod.


Any takers?

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  • 6 years later...

Might sound mad but I have used the Bryan Wilks character as my Robin type companion, equipped him with a Stealth suit and a weapon... I call him StealthBoy.


Had a little gang with the the synth from Rivet City (forget his name) joining me as a Punisher, Clover as Catwoman, the Antagonizer and a female BOS character.


Never did get a good name but The Redeemers seemed a good fit.


I realise this topic is old and dusty but...Well I thought someone might appreciate the anecdote.

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