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Selectable Racials Mod Request


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I would like to be able to select my own racials, i know they are there because they colour up the race and it is what lore dictate however what if my Argonian's family had lived in skyrim for a few generations, wouln't he or she be somewhat ressistant to cold, like the Nords. This mod gives ample opportunity to rp different unexplored character backgrounds, or at least it does to me.



how to suggestions

1) Books in the first room (if SC or in the second room for choosing to go with Imperials). If possible to add a restriction to them such as the guardian stones but for books and for the average ammount of racials.

2) Quest, simple like completable within a minute or so

3) Birthsigns (oblivion styled), but for racials

Edited by Werepire
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