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Problem with added content


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Stock clothing changes works perfectly, in this case HGEC stock clothes. However neither the added content in the skimpy patch, nor other added content like JB catsuits shows up.


I've been trying for some time now to locate the problem, I've got the latest patch, I do not own shivering isles.


Many nets will be awarded you who find the cure.

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Do you use Oblivion Mod Manager yet? OBMM allows you to play with your load order and allows you to convert your downloads into OMODs' for easy activation/deactivation and prevents errors caused by missing meshes and textures. Have you installed the mods using a program like 7-zip or J-zip to install the meshes,textures and the esp into your Oblivion\Data folder?EDIT OBMM also has a form of archive invalidation called bsa redirection in utilities.
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The position a mod takes in the load order determines what priority the changes the mod makes have on the game. This is why a utility like Streamline and the Bashed Patch for Wrye Bash will almost always load last. A program like BOSS automatically adjusts the load order to fix conflicts caused by improper ordering of mods during installation. The information from the mod that loads last is always given highest priority when the game is being played.
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A mod like Better Cities alters many of the places that modders place clothing,such as the Imperial Arboretum. Any of Colourwheels larger mods add animations to the game and clothing and cosmetic/race mods that are conflicting are reponsible for almost a third of the Topics here on TESNexus Forums. A mod that does not require an esp that has not been deactivated properly can cause havok in a situation where items do not show up in game.
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Is your version of Oblivion patched to 1.20416? The patch can be obtained from the Bethesda Softworks website or on TESNexus. The version should appear in the lower left corner of the main loading screen for Oblivion where you can select to start a new game.
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