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Dialogue Help


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I am trying to create some dialogue for an NPC in my mod. I was immediately overwhelmed when I was told that I need to create a quest for it. Through following this short guide: click me I was able to get some of the basics down, although I am still confused as *censored*.


Whenever I create some dialogue, the NPC doesn't open with it, and I can't figure out how to work it out.


So I am hoping someone can give me a little bit more of a clearer guide (not that the other is bad, I just don't seem to get it, I'm like that way sometimes. Although all I will need is you to tell me once and I'll remember it straight away).


Here is what I want (not so you can do it for me, but so you can give me some more precise instructions):

Ok, NPC Rod Stewick is a crazy old man.


When you walk near him (i.e not interact with action button) he is going to say this:


P*** off!



When you interact with him he is going to say this opening line:


What the f*** you want?



I can get the rest for the dialogue reasonably well (although choices confuse me a little, I am sure I can work that out...)


Thanks for helping me (in advance)

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