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Mod Request Legendary


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Mod Request 1


Mod Requirements:

1) Remove racials or use "Natural Talents" Mod (if allowed from mod creator)


2) Cap the ability to legendary a skill once the skill has been legendaried 17 times

3) Allow for compatibility with "Permanent Legendary Bonuses" Mod(Not really a requirement, but would be nice to have)


Why would you agree to this?, Because every time you legendary a skill that skill increases by five points and once you have legendaried the same skill 17 times you have earned yourself a pernament skill of 100.,Well gee, what about the racials? Well you see some of them adds on to your base skills and it gets complicated when you try to add that into the equation, ask any math genious... Oh um they can't, they um... their brain froze when they tried. Jokes aside though, got any questions, conserns or feedback? be sure to post here or send a message. To the possible modders who read through this, wether or not you will attempt this would you help me out by telling me wether or not this is doable?


1) Reset to 20 instead of 15
2) Reset to 25 instead of 20
3) Reset to 30 instead of 25
4) Reset to 35 instead of 30
5) Reset to 40 instead of 35
6) Reset to 45 instead of 40
7) Reset to 50 instead of 45
:cool: Reset to 55 instead of 50
9) Reset to 60 instead of 55
10) Reset to 65 instead of 60
11) Reset to 70 instead of 65
12) Reset to 75 instead of 70
13) Reset to 80 instead of 75
14) Reset to 85 instead of 80
15) Reset to 90 instead of 85
16) Reset to 95 instead of 90
17) Reset to 100 instead of 95



Mod Request 2



Mod Requirements:

1) Remove perk gain by level up or by legendaring a skill

2) Allow for compatibility with "Permanent Legendary Bonuses" Mod and Mod Request 1(Not really a requirement, but would be nice to have)


Why? Because i hate clutter and having a billion perks because you legendaried a few times to many a thing that bugs me and instead of asking for an easy fix i would rather see them gone in a mod that adds something more then the before mentioned fix, such as quests from trainers.


Quest from trainers. Once you reach the possibility of adding a perk, you can't because you can't earn those with this mod, a currier deliver a letter that a trainer has decided to teach you a move or give you special training only given from master to apprentice and sends you away on a task related to the skill. Once you return to your trainer you ask when the training will begin and the trainer has read a little to much of "karate Argonian Hatchling" comic and says "It isn't the destination, it is the journey. Did you become stronger by talking or walking?"


As always, got any questions, conserns or feedback? be sure to post here or send a message. To the possible modders who read through this, wether or not you will attempt this would you help me out by telling me wether or not this is doable?

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