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Super Salvaged Power Armor


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I was wondering if someone could make me some special salvaged power armor. :pirate:

It would look a lot like the NCR Power Armor but you can see a lot of the recon armor underneath it. Like where the red stripes are on the arms but those plates removed and the recon armor visible. http://i.imgur.com/TERUNeS.jpg

The armor would of course not have a NCR Symbol. The idea of the armor is it's been gutted out to make room for someone with no training but the essentials still on it. I haven't thought much into I admit, but it would also have no gloves. One or None of the helmets tubes. Maybe the boots and gauntlets are a steel retexture of the stealth suits? I don't know what really to add, that's up to you dear listener.

thank ya much

Edited by Samwrly
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