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Adding to faction via trigger box

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I have a trigger box, and I want anyone that triggers it to be added to a faction.


My script looks like:


scn QTriggerScript	

ref rFA

Begin OnTriggerEnter

Set rFA to getself

rFA.addtofaction QFaction 10



I tried it without the variable at all, simply putting the 'addtofaction' line, and that didn't work, then I tried it this way.


I have rarely if ever used reference variable, but this compiles fine and seems like it should work. But NPCs entering the trigger don't join the faciton. What up with that?

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Sorry, I'm not Cipscis (then, who is?), but...


In your script GetSelf will return the trigger, not the NPC who activated the trigger. Try GetActionRef instead.

I don't now if the player matters, but you might want to check for the player and not add the faction to him.

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