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Simple Mod Request


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Ok, I know that I can use the consol command "tmm 1" to show all Map Markers on my Pip-Boy World Map. However, when I use it, it shows all Pip-Boy markers on my map -As if I have already been to them-.


Is there a command/mod that I can use that instantly shows all map markers to me, but shows them as if an NPC told you where it was (so its a box with a / in the middle).


This way, I can get my bearings, and if I want to go somewhere, I can discover it, but not leave that place just lying on the map for me to never know about.


Does that make any sense?

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if you download the ultimate perk pack theres a perk called amneisa if you get it you dont know where anything is but u have map markers :P to get the mod search UPP hope this helped
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I'm talking about adding the level 20 perk through the console, which will make the map markers appear on his map but they will not yet be found. (Not able to fast travel to them/Get experience for finding them)
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You can use the console command DCstar gave you, or:

tmm 1 0 0

That exactly what the Explorer perk does. See ShowAllMapMarkers for an explanation of the flags.



Instead of just laughing your ass off, try reading the OP's question before responding.

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Thanks for the help. I thought Explorer Perk added all map markers as if you've already visited them, and I thought amnesia perk (I -do- have UPP and More Perks Pack) deleted all map markers.


Are you sure tmm 1 0 0 shows all map markers, but as if you've never found them?

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