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^(^o^> A True Spell(sword)


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((Before we begin, awesome title right?)) UPDATE: I forgot the other ) in the title, it's not awesome...


UPDATE: Okay, rereading my post after a good nights sleep, I've come to realize that it's a lot to do with one mod. While I pretty much planned it all out in my head as I was writing it (if that wasn't apparent), I didn't account for the fact that it wouldn't be all that simple. So, I'm going to have a crack at it myself, although it'll take some learning. Although, I'll still need someone to do animations, I have a programmer's mind, not an artist's.


All jokes aside, I was wondering if anyone has come up with simply allowing a spellsword type to cast spells onto their weapons or shields, enchanting them temporarily for battle (typically in a manner similar to Dark Souls 2). This can come with one of two variations:


Nord Art: Essentially, you dip your sword in a fire source (hit it) and the sword lights ablaze, ready to sear your enemies, but extinguish after some time. Alternatively, one could swing in water and the blade freezes instantly, causing cold and stamina damage (like I ever noticed that being useful :tongue:). Lightning would be difficult, but essentially, there'd have to be a storm (or storm cloud) overhead and raising your blade into the air (He-Man style yo) would cause it to electrify (alternatively, against a shock spell would activate it as well). In this case, the hit would be a one shot thing, but powerful enough to justify the one hit, the fact that you could only use it outside (or against shock spells), and the fact that you'd take a small amount of damage in return.


In order to increase the intensity of the literal spellsword, A workstation of sorts can be added that lets you improve the material/potion in the sheath/quiver. The same workstation could be used for giving the weapon the effect in the first place. Activated by a power (explained more below).


The Lore - I was thinking a small quest line (two or three, it's still undecided) could introduce the concept, with your character learning the art from an old spellsword. The frame work for the quest line would be: Proving - Training - Final Test - Final Lesson. Everything is self explanatory, with the Final Lesson being the method of smithing the potion/material into the sheath of the sword, dagger, quiver, etc that would attract the lightning, light the fire, and freeze the sword.


The Spellsword Art: In this sense, you just use a spell and it charges the sword. This would be a little more dynamic, with the type of spell determining it's effects (essentially, the sword would just cast the spell each time it's swung, or a power attack necessary for the master level spells). It would be a power that activates the spell in the left (or right if you like that sort of thing) and casts it in the weapon on the left. Bows and two handed weapons are gonna take some sort of cleverness to figure out, check back at the end of this section, I'll probably have it figured out by then. :






Flames - Each time the sword is swung, it lights the enemy on fire for a short time and causes an equivalent amount of fire damage. Effect color: Lightly glowing like hot metal.

Frostbite - Same as above, but frostbite style. Effect: The weapon would be covered in small snowflakes, with a frosty tint like you're frozen (Wet and Cold style)

Sparks - Same as above, but sparks style. Effect: Light blue glow, noticeable, but still weak looking. It's sparks for gods sake.

Vampiric Drain - Same as above, but vampire flavor.

Candlelight - Now the sword glows! essentially a pretty torch with the candlelight glow around it.

Equilibrium - Converts the enemies health into magicka. Effect: Blue version of the vampire effect.

Oakflesh - Negates a small portion of armor. Effect: involves wood somehow, i don't know.

Healing - For all those priests that like to heal instead of kill. Useful for archers I guess, I doubt hitting your follower over and over again would be fun. Warm glow like the healing spell.



Firebolt - Stronger version of the novice spell. Effect: Sword is glowing brighter, like it's been sitting in fire for a while.

Ice Spike - St ronger version of the novice spell. Effect: Larger flakes, more noticeable frost tint

Lighting Bolt - Stronge r version of the novice spell. Effect: light blue glow, more prominent now, obviously stronger than the sparks version.

Lighting / Fire / Frost R unes : Cast the rune spell on the surface the weapon strikes (useful for the elusive archer spellsword).

Mage Light - Aga in cast the mage light spell on the surface the weapon strikes, only now it'll be glowing streaks left by the weapon's impact (weapon dependent).

Stoneflesh - Negates a larger portion of armor. Effect: Same as novice, but stony.

Healing Hands - Strong er healing effect.



Fireball - Stronger version of Apprentice spell, with a small, cone shaped AoE directly in front of the spellsword. Effect: Flames tracing the weapon, sleeker than the torch effect, so as to not blind our wonderful players.

Ice Storm - Sa me as above, but frosty.

Chain Lightning - Stro nger version of Lighting bolt, with the chain lighting effect. Effect: Small arcs of lighting pop off the sword from time to time. Small, but noticeable. No glow effect.

Cloak Spells - Cast the cloak spell on followers, a reverse cloak spell on enemies (two different spells?). The reverse cloak will cause damage to the enemy for for a duration. One hit effect. Effect: Same as cloak spells.

Detect Life - Essen tially, a marker spell, allowing you to tag enemies and keep them "detected" for a longer range than the usual detect life spell. Effect: similar to the Detect Life effect that marks people.

Ironflesh - Same as apprentice. Effect: Iron spikes? I don't know...

Telekinesis - A fun, but very useful spell. Essentially, a fus-ro-dah/wind shear effect on people or objects, but only affecting what it hits. Effect: Purple like glow on the sword, like the spell. Effected enemies and objects could flash the same color, but that might be difficult (I have no clue).

Transmute - I Found this one to be a little more interesting. A first hit would turn the enemy silver (silvery glow?), a second gold. Each state lasts for a small time before fading away. Each stage causes a small penalty to armor, with gold being higher than silver. After gold, each subsequent hit would reset the duration. Effect: Silvery glow? Maybe gold? Two styles?


Expert (All expert destruction effects should look badass):

Incinerate - Stronger version of the Apprentice spell, and stronger than Adept, with a chance of staggering. Effect: White hot burning metal effect.

Icy Spear - Sa me as above. Effect: larger crystals litter the weapon, frost effect, similar to what the spell looks like in your hand.

Thunderbolt - Same as above. Effect: glow effect is returned, with electricity arcing up the blade/arrow/axe, etc.

Detect Dead - Same as Detect Life. Effect: Detect Dead effect on enemy.

Ebonyflesh - Same as Stonyflesh, but stronger still. Effect: Black weapon?

Paralyze - Paralysis! For balancing concerns, either the effect would be very limited in duration (how long the sword holds the spell) or limited in the number of swings (hits or misses. Come on, it's paralysis.)


Master (Fun time!):

Firestorm - Essentially, a firestorm, with the cool animation of casting incinerate on your sword, and then slamming it into the ground, causing a firestorm. The storm would be the same damage as the spell with an added perk: 8 white hot blades of light radiate outwards about 15 feet, causing damage equal to the weapon casting the effect, if hit.

Blizzard - Same as above, but make it Blizzardry.

Lightining Storm - The chara cter would charge the blade with Thunderbolt, raise it in the air, yell "I have the power!", then jut the sword out (similar to when Draugr's point at you with their sword), casting lightning storm (also consumes magicka like the original spell.)

Dragonflesh - The character would slide the spell slowly across the weapon, and then pull back, preparing to strike. Upon release of the button/trigger (I do play with an xbox controller), he would strike, dealing a power attack against the target, ignoring 80% of the enemies armor.

Mass Paralysis - Fir estorm, but with a Mass Paralysis effect.

Mass Telekinesis - Did I just make a new spell? I did. I most certainly did. Essentially, this one would be useful in combat when you're overwhelmed on all sides. You'd cast telekinesis on the sword, slam it into the ground, causing every one and object to raise up off the ground and hang for around 10-15 seconds, letting you do whatever you want to do. A second cast would slam every one away from you. The attack would be similar in length to a normal master spell, just slightly faster, since it's not really all that damaging on it's own. Perhaps the objects would raise up in an alternate version, since that's potentially a very laggy spell.


For Bows/CrossBows: Whatever arrow is nocked would have the effect, instead of the bow. Or maybe both. Also, the Master spells would be a little cooler, like a powerful magic arrow that does hella damage. I don't know, you're the artist, not me.




Conjuration: yeah, it gets it's own spoiler.





All conjuration spells would turn the character into whatever he was summoning instead.


Raise dead spells would let the character raise whatever enemy gets hit with it after he (or she... why you out there killing women? ) dies.


Dead thrall would be the Dragonflesh attack, but would cast Dead thrall instead (after death he or she would come back to life).




Essentially, all of the spells would raise in strength with your skill in the school, unlike actual spells that lower in cost with each cast. They would be of limited duration, like, 120 seconds, and is more or less a pre-battle sort of preparation, although talented spellswords will find a way to use it during battle.


The Lore: The same Spellsword teaches you the "Art of the Spellsword", in the same manner. I was thinking of having the spellsword be mute, and simply lead you down one of three paths, the left being spellsword art, the right Nord art, and the middle a sort of arena where you face the final test.


Implementation in game: Well, I told you I'd figure it out by the end of the section! The effect would be activated by a power, using whatever spell is in your left hand as the clue as to what to do. The master level spells would get their own power at level 100 in each of the schools (not all of them, just depending on which one you want to use.). For two-handed weapons, i was tempted to just drop them, as spellswords usually use swords... But wth, let's throw people a bone. Two-handed weapons would open a small menu where you select from your favorites which spells to cast.





Since there are a lot of different weapons in skyrim, the mod would be ongoing, starting with the basic sword, and then releasing each vanilla weapon type in packs. Somehow, I'd like to include popular weapon mods, maybe allow authors to make patches or make them yourselves, as I have no experience with the CK (I made Lokir's tomb but... I never finished it.)


Why would the Nordic way be less stronger and varied than the Spellsword way? Because Nords are simplistic and want to be a spellsword without casting magic. (Those weirdos.)


P.S. I'm bored, so I wrote a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Preferably, I'd like this to be done in the next 3 hours, but I'm a reasonable man. Make it 3 and a half hours. (<--- Joking of course. )


P.P.S. Or am I?

Edited by Savalric
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