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Modern Items: For Kudos



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  1. 1. Do you like Scifi Oblivion mods?

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The center texure is nice, but is it possible to do the center bit with, say, one of the metal textures?


Also, is there any chance of a retexture of the Iron Bow with, say, the rust texture and another with the burshed texture?


Sorry again if I'm demanding, but... I just have this really clear concept of the mod, and I'm deditcated to getting it done.

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Talking about the idea of sci-fi mods... yes, I support them. As someone said in the first replies, my PC is a techno-mage. :teehee:


I prefer modern-looking mods than sci-fi mods, but maybe that's because modern-looking things are more balanced than "AW MAY GAWD!!!! A LAZOR SUIT WITH OVA NINE THOUSAND DEFANS!!!!1!!one!!!", but yes, that depends of the modder. Also modern stuff can be a lethal weapon, with things like AK-47 or Halo Battle Riffles (yeah, cool looking and useful, but REALLY unbalanced).


I've been looking for an "anime-mecha-moe" armor for my PC, but I never found it. I think I never will find it. :pinch:


BTW, what about some spells/items like MW's kill streaks? I ever wanted to use a nuke In Oblivion with that cool "Piiiiii... piiii... piiiiii..." and someone saying "TACTICAL NUUUUKE" (just for fun, of course). XD

Maybe Predator missiles would be a balanced power. If they're rare, expensive and with only one use, of course.

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Door with ayleid glow removed / new worn metal interior texture



The bed was a problem. I decided to take the military approach. I used the lowerclass single bed to create a custom mesh. You probably won't like it.



Edited by myrmaad
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