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help! first level fail


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Have you tried bben46's suggestion of reverting to vanilla and testing the game for the crash yet?


Here is how to completely remove all mods for troubleshooting.

Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game



If you can post your load order it will make things much easier to provide help (assuming its mod related).

You can do so by launching Wrye Bash and right-click the "File" header in the "Mod" tab. Then select "List Mods" and copy the new window and paste it here.

If you don't have Wrye Bash, you can get it here - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368

Download and install "Wrye Python 03" and then download and install "Wrye Bash 275 - Self Installer".


Edit: Sorry, that link doesn't have the latest installer for Wrye Bash, use the Wrye Python from that link and then use this link for Wrye Bash - http://sourceforge.net/projects/oblivionworks/files/

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If you jumped directly out of the tutorial dungeon without completing it that could be the problem. The game expects you to have completed certain things when you first go out into the world.


I recommend finishing the tutorial the first time. and making a permanent save at the point just before you leave where you can make any final changes to your character. Then if you want to start over, go to that save.


An alternative is one of the many skip tutorial mods available.

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