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How To Install Plugins/mods


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I am a total newbie in putting some mods in Oblivion without there esp.

Like this mod http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.Detail&id=530

I am currently using the Oblivion mod manager but still i cannot apply this mod.

any suggestion how to put this mod in my oblivion.

Also one of the mod here called Bank of Cy(something)!

I have properly install it but there is some missing mesh with it and the banker cannot talk.

Is it a bug of the mod or it is my fault installing that mod

Ive seen the files with the sound with it and a mesh with it.

Do i need to do it manually or use oblivion manager to work those two mod.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there,

I am new to Oblivion and new to the modding.

I did download the OBMM.

I have the HGEC Body mod which works.

What I do not like are the faces of Oblivion - so I searched and found some premade faces some very smooth (even anime like) and I wanted to use them.

Downloaded some examples of these premade faces and also the oblivion face exchanger. Worked with the face exchanger to replace my face from the savegame of the premade face and so on. Even installed Rens Beauty pack and some other packs as the beautfull people pack but when I start the game with the my savegame which has the replaced faced I get a warning message that "this save relies on content that is no longer available" and then the game starts and the funny thing is I have elements of the premade face (like hair) and generel face attributes but not as smooth as in the picturesamples of the premade face - especially my girl doesn't look very anime but it should.


Any idea what I am missing or doing wrong??


Many thanks



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This information is great, but what about "7Z" files? I can't figure out how to get those files to work. Also I accidentally set them to always open with adobe, which gets me a message box saying the file can't be read. You should edit your instructions to include this file type.
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This information is great, but what about "7Z" files? I can't figure out how to get those files to work. Also I accidentally set them to always open with adobe, which gets me a message box saying the file can't be read. You should edit your instructions to include this file type.


Google is your friend. Had you Googled "7z" you would have discovered it's an archive type used by the program 7-Zip and that is what most people in the know prefer to use as a file archiver.


As for opening them with "Adobe" (I have no idea which Adobe product you're referring to, here), just right click and then "open with" and you'll get to re-choose the default program, which should be 7-Zip after you've installed it, assuming that the installation, itself, doesn't automatically set that (which I think it does).

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Windows 7.


That's likely causing your problem. With Windows 7 UAC doesn't like when files within the Program Files directory are altered. Windows sees this as a security threat and blocks the action. You can try running as Administrator or disabling UAC (not recommended) to alleviate the problem. But the best action to take is to reinstall Oblivion, and other games, outside the Program Files directory. I use E:\Games\ for example. Any game I have goes here, including STEAM, or other game related software that I don't want bothered by UAC.


That should do it. If not create your own thread describing exactly your issue and include any pertinent information. Such as your hardware, Load Order, and Mod Manager. (OBMM or Wrye Bash) That information should almost always be included. After that include anything else that you feel is needed. And please use periods to separate your thoughts. It's much easier to understand the message you're trying to convey when it's not one single run-on sentence. Paragraphs are good too. I simply ignore walls of text. I'm not saying you have to be perfect but just separate your thoughts with periods and paragraphs.


Good luck! :thumbsup:

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