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Westly's/Princess Stomper's Markynaz Mod.


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I've never made a post on this forum so I'm not clear if this is the right place to put this. I know, such an annoying thing to say. Makes me look like a total jackass.


For some time, I have had the Mod by Westly and Princess Stomper which allows you to play as the Markynaz Race and also includes a follower and quest. In the quest, you have to search for the follower's armor. You need to go to a Daedric Ruin and fight through it to retrieve the armor at the end. After you retrieve it, you're supposed to get a journal entry, but I do not receive one and nothing else happens after that. The follower, Gatanas, always says "We have much to discuss" and asks for "a moment of my time", which I can usually ask her about, but now there is no option. Any ideas? Help would really be appreciated.

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  • 7 months later...

Try opening the console, clicking on Gatanas so that her ID shows at the top of the console window and type (without quotes) "addtopic task" and see if that works.


P.S. Liztail's Animekit will cripple Gatanas and crash your game as it thinks she is a beast and tries to attache a tail to her.

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