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Wonder if there is a way to make....


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Since I am new to the forums and do not have the desire to read over 700 hundred pages of posts, so please forgive me if this has been asked in the past.


It has always bugged me that Bethesda went through the trouble to make archery targets and melee dummies that do not raise your skill! I mean come on, in real life that is how you get better, you shot at targets to increase your skills. So does anyone know of a mod that turns normal archery targets and melee dummies into skill raising items? I mean those items act like, skill wise, NPCs and allow you to raise your skills without running all over the place looking for things to kill or summoning stuff until you are blue in the face. If there is not such a thing, it would be great if one of you wonderful modders could hook us up with these new and improved training items. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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WOOT! Thanks David. If you don't mind me asking, what phrase did you use to do your source? To be honest, I only tryed a few different things to find a cool mod like this, with no success. Sweet thanks again.
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