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Geck Red Problem


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Hey there,

I'm certain a lot of you have seen my Restoreout mod for Fallout 3

Yeah making the textures was one thing but now I've run into a problem that is quite annoying now.

Everytime I open the Geck EVERYTHING looks red (See the image)

The only way I can see of fixing this is by opening all the meshes and manually attaching ALL the textures to it instead of just replacing the textures... but that would take far too long...


Any advice would be GREAT



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sorry im not here to help but i have the same prob i have been woring on this for some time now and was wondering if we could work together to figure this thing out. share ideas? im tracking your post so if you have any new ideas on how to fix this let me know and ill do the same.


one thing i cant figure out. is why i can get some textures no prob, and others like signs i cant and get the red?

one question for you. what did you mean by attaching all meshes to textures how does this work? ill go thur the whole order and do it. if you teach me how and ill see if this will work.


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Thanks for the reply.

I meant opening the mesh that is red in Nifskope, opening the NiTriStrips tree then BSShaderPPLightingProperty (as it is usually called) then in BSShaderTextureSet attach all the textures that are there properly to the texture instead of it just looking in the area for the texture that WAS with it but has now been replaced. You know what... I'll try a bit of it now and see if it works =) I'll edit this post and say if I was successful.


EDIT: The attempt was a failure. That did not work at all, no difference was made. Also tried using a Texture Set in the Geck but all that managed to do was make it look like ArchiveInvalidation wasn't working in the Geck. Now I have no idea how to approach this. I have absolutely no idea what to do now.

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Nope I have also tried making my mod into a bsa file format and then Fallout failed to even recognise it and just loaded the default textures. Now I really am baffled at the Geck. Maybe it needs its own version of ArchiveInvalidation?
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