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Which version of OMG was compatible with Better Cities?


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I know the current release of Origin of the Mages Guild is not compatible with Better Cities... but according to the BC thread, previous versions of OMG did work. I'm just not sure which one is the "current release"? Anyone happen to know which release of OMG is the last one that worked with BC? I know it's "the one with the 4th Era stuff" that broke BC, but that doesn't help because downloads of mods are labeled by version numbe, not by whether or not it's the one that's compatible, heh. Or does anyone have any experience running both mods? I was wondering if I can get away with using the latest OMG if I disable the Better Cities Arcane University.


Basically... let me start again. I'd really like to run both Better Cities and Origin of the Mages Guild (not to mention The Elder Council). I would like to know, if possible, how to make that happen with a minimum of conflicts. Do I need to use certain versions of OMG or TEC? Do I need to disable certain parts of Better Cities? Or is this basically not going to happen and I just have to pick one or the other? Any advice is appreciated.

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  • 5 months later...

Use the latest version of OMG along with the compatibility patch found in the main Better Cities archive. TEC is fully compatible with BC.


And prior to the patch for BC/OMG, OMG's "4th era stuff" didn't break BC, it merely broke the compatibility I'd been maintaining between the two mods without need of a patch - which is why I then made the patch!

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