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Weapon switch mode


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Hey guys

I would like to know if there's a mod that makes weapon switching like in dark souls?

(left key for the spell then left key again to get back to my sword)

I get tired of switching to my bow with the hot key while two handed swords then use the hotkey again and get only one of my weapons to show up (one handed), same goes for magic and swords.

I really liked the weapon switch concept in dark souls so i hope that there is a mod like this existed.

Hope that's the relevant place for that topic, thanks!

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Funny you ask, a mod like this was uploaded just the other day. It's called Unlocked Grip, you'll find it on the Nexus.

Ok, I checked that.
This mod allows me to equip 1 handed weapon with 2 hands and the opposite like in dark souls.
Although it's awesome, that's not what i'm looking for.
But thanks alot anyway!
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