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"Open" Interiors, similar to open cities


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Someone should do a mod similar to open cities in that the interiors i.e. House, stores taverns etc should be already loaded so when you open the door, its all already there. Or say I am walking around whiterun, I open the door the the bannard mare and instead of a loading screen it all there...


I also think this mod should beable to run indpendntly of open cities. I do however think that open interiors should not extend to caves, mines, forts and such cause that might just "overload" things although I suppose there is nothing wrong if there are seperate mods for that, but as for me. I just want the buildings like inns and stores and what have you to be already loaded.


What do you all think? Or has such a mod already been done, if so please tell me. I have looked repeatedly several times without succsess all over the nexus.



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This really bugged me when I played Skyrim on PS3, the loading times were a lot longer than they are on my PC, and I hated having to load the city and then run into a store to sell things for even more loading. Although I have fast load times on my PC, I think it is still a neat idea if feasible. I would gladly accept a longer load time for cities if that's what it would take to allow for open interiors. (I don't know how it works).

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Also, what you're asking for is physically impossible. Did you never notice how much larger the interior cells are than the houses you see from the outside? In most cases, they have an entirely different layout. It just wouldn't fit. You'd have to painstakingly recreate the interior of every single building by hand. And even if someone did decide to go to all that trouble, I don't think the available tilesets for interior rooms match the outsides in most cases, so you'd need custom meshes for those, too. Hate to break it to you, but that's not going to happen.

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  • 3 years later...



The clutter and stuff is actually not an issue at all as you can use roombound boxes to limited the load (Witcher has way more clutter)

The main issue would be that all interior spaces are not identical with the exterior buildings (interiors are around 1.5-2 times the dimensions and mostly not matching at all the exterior structure) . That means you need to fit the interior to the exterior and create all interior meshes new or you match the exterior to the interior and rebuild all building meshes and consequently the whole landscape of Skyrim.

I worked on a mod to rebuild the tile-set of the imperial forts and stopped as I realized that it was actually not possible doing either one (inside or outside) to make sense of the buildings but it actually would require both. Reason is that many of the exterior buildings are too small as the interior is so cluttered that NPC's or even the player can not move through anymore. A complete redesign would be required but in a way that you would not break any quests. Which is most likely the worst point, all quest need to be rewritten to work as all Quest markers would be in the worldspace cell.


The amount of work would be so overwhelming that a team would need 3-4 Years easy to finish this.

Also the consequence would be that every existing interior mod would not work or any mod that uses interior cells (even if its only a NPC marker), most Follower mods would need to be made compatible ….. pretty much 75% of all mods would not be usable.

I don't want to go on as Skyrim is now to old for anyone to put so much effort into it particular as the next Elderscroll has been announced.


as Saerileth already said it, but its not impossible, Projects like Skywind could have done it, if someone thought of it from the beginning, as they had to recreate every single mesh and every nav mesh.




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