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Anyway of removing Dependency of ESP ?


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Anyway of removing dependencies of other esm's from an ESP file?


If the ESP file does not use ANY of the resources from the esm, you can use Tes4Gecko to remove a master from the esp. (You could do it even with real dependencies, but that will result in guaranteed CTDs.)



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Yes, you need to know exactly what the .esp uses from the .esm. If you can figure that out, you can go into the CS and delete or change all those things so that the mod won't be dependent anymore.


In some cases when you remove the master, things just revert to base and do not cause CTDs. Missing meshes and textures would be one of the bad things that could cause CTDs.


You could run an experiment. You could back up your .esp, and then unmaster it. Then you could play-test and see if anything bad happens. If little or nothing bad happens, then your job will be almost done right at the beginning.

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