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body disappaer when wearing custom armor


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i tried modified others modder armor using blender, and i'm follow all step done in cs.elderscroll tutorial how to create custom cuirass, when i wearing it in game whole torso part will disappear.. i'm using HGEC body while create it. what i'm done wrong??
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Two quick questions, do you have a normal map? And is the mesh properly weight painted? If you edited the mesh without extrusion or addition of vertices, the weight paint should be fine. I am very inexperienced with armor modding, but to my knowledge, normal maps and weight paint are the causes of invisibility. Oh and by the way I am having the same problem, and I can't get weight painting to work.
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Two quick questions, do you have a normal map? And is the mesh properly weight painted? If you edited the mesh without extrusion or addition of vertices, the weight paint should be fine. I am very inexperienced with armor modding, but to my knowledge, normal maps and weight paint are the causes of invisibility. Oh and by the way I am having the same problem, and I can't get weight painting to work.


i just learn use blender 2 days ago, actually what is normal map and weight paints? i'm noob about all that.. the tutorial is very simple for beginner/superb noob like me. I just want to know how to modified other modder armor and make it playable in game.


what I done is:

1.Import the armor.nif into blender

2.Delete the armature

3.Import skeleton.nif

4.Edit the armor into design i like and make the armor parenting to skeleton

5.Select all and export into .nif file


and the blender command line will tell like this:


Blender NIF Scripts 2.5.0 (running on Blender 249, PyFFI 2.0.5)

niftools.blender.export:WARNING:Lost 0.006763 in vertex weights while creating a

skin partition for Blender object 'Dress' (nif block 'Dress')

niftools.blender.export:WARNING:Lost 0.026100 in vertex weights while creating a

skin partition for Blender object 'Foot:Body' (nif block 'Foot:Body')

niftools.blender.export:WARNING:Lost 0.081201 in vertex weights while creating a

skin partition for Blender object 'Neckband' (nif block 'Neckband')

niftools.blender.export:WARNING:Lost 0.060900 in vertex weights while creating a

skin partition for Blender object 'Neckbandbelt' (nif block 'Neckbandbelt')

niftools.blender.export:WARNING:Merging materials 'leather.001' and 'leather' (t

hey are identical in nif)


what is "WARNING lost xxxxx in vertex weights" actually??


6.Run nif skope, select the file and texture path and save

7.Run CS tool and drag the armor into inventories

8.Run the game and the armor will invisible when wearing.


that all i done.. please someone tell what step i done wrong.

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