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Wasteland Cleanup


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I don't know how much of this is possible, but ever since playing Fallout 1 I've wanted the ability to go into a place such as an old vault and clean it up for use again. This general idea would apply to old homes, landscape, etc., as well. Some of the options would be:


Scrap a car, completely, and get scrap metal, batteries, etc. There is that mod that lets you 'open' a car and get some items from them now. I'd just like to be able to scrap all of the car so it is gone and no longer polluting the landscape AND get a LOTS of scrap metal out of it.


Ability to 'Scrap' those rubbish heaps laying around and get random items from them, and again, the pile would be completely gone once it has been 'emptied'.


Ability to scrap those burned up houses, leave a clean chunk of ground to rebuild on, and the scraped items would be items that can be used for rebuilding new homes. Scraped pieces of lumber mainly.


Modify that 'robo' mod that allows one to build robots from scratch or those that have been 'killed', such that they can do manual labor, such as cleaning up old vaults-removing rust, painting walls, etc. Just need a command that says, start cleaning up, or some such. Or 'clean this section' and it would begin cleaning that specific 'module piece' of the vault, i.e. a corridor section, section of a room, etc., according to the modules that are used in laying out a vault, or room in the G.E.C.K.


Give the player the ability to fix machinery (generators, computers, lights, broken doors, etc). The player would have to have sufficient skills in Science and Repair, etc. to do certain repairs, and if robots aren't available to do the 'painting' and 'rust removal' , allow the player the option.


Ability to research, via labs, a rad removal chemical that can be poured into pools of water and ponds to purify the water so it is clean for drinking or swimming. Any barrels of radioactive material in the water would need to be 'cleaned up/removed' first.


Maybe plant trees, etc.


Any other ideas along those lines.


Again, I don't know how much of this is even possible. I don't know how to script or I'd dig into this myself. I have been learning some of the G,E.C.K., so I can do a little. But I think this is a script heavy requirement. Unless anyone knows really good tutorials for the scripting deficient?



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I like the idea of cleaning up the wastes, but I don't think the water purification should work on main bodies of water. And the mod can't work on small sections of main bodies of water because of water flowing and constant contamination. I definitely support the rest, though. I too am incapable with the G.E.C.K., so I can't help you out there.


~ Acavedo

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Yes, I figured the larger bodies of water would have too much constant 'input' through water run-off from the irradiated wasteland. But I figured the smaller ponds and puddles...


The RTS (real time settlers) is doing a lot with building. I'd just like to do rebuilding all over the place and turn portions of the wasteland back into something more survivable.


Just a random thought but, if the war was 200 years ago, what are all of those mattresses laying about the wasteland doing in such relatively good shape? They all recently come from opened vaults?

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