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Missing head and hands

Sam Lake

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Alright, so I have this little problem I have yet to find solution to, and - which is worse - have no idea what's causing it.


I'm using TalkieToaster's mod "Toaster Says Share" to turn NPCs into my travelling companions. The thing is, none of vanilla NPCs really satisfy my needs, so I created my character's (Ren's Mystic Elf) "sister", using createfullactorcopy command. But whenever I try to change her armor, her head and hands just disappear with no way to bring them back. I've tried saving and reloading, going to another cell, requipping the same armor again, disabling and enabling the NPC, killing and resurrecting her, creating that NPC's duplicate...


Did this, or a similar thing, ever happen to anyone? I'm using HGEC bodies, but I don't think the issue has anything to do with that.

I'll post my entire load order, if needed.

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You should try editing or creating Npcs' in the Construction Set to use as companions. You will avoid the dissapearing body parts. You could download some companion mods specifically made to create "eye candy" companions. P.S. You can use a CM partner as a recruitable companion also!
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I know, but I found it almost impossible to create a pretty female in the CS... I know about CM partners, too, though I haven't tried it yet.


I found this nifty little mod that basically solved my problem, even though I still would like to know what caused the previous one.


Anyway, thanks for the reply, and sorry for creating a new thread for this (I guess it can be deleted). It happens all the time - I post a question somewhere and then find the answer by myself minutes later.

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Sometimes talking it out with someone, online or in person, helps us move through it in our minds and we find the answer. It happens to me all the time.
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