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a little in the way of a request


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I aint never gonna be an artist are a coder, so here are some requests that i hope you modders would be interested in,


(1) new race, races with perks... we all know that vault-tec has been doing crazy experiments with poor vault dwellers, fev for instance i a nice touch. thing is i want to know if it's possible to make a somwhat larger human around 1.01 scale in hight but a little broader than normal with larger muscle definition, call that race maybe soldier and have perks centered around physical survival, endurance, small arms, rifles and big guns, with perk profs in medium and heavy armours..... this race could be any color to suit the player but the added bonus is that soldier would get natrally more hp not so much that the game would be stupid are insanly easy to play, the trade-off for the hp and toughness would be a loss in luck aka crit chance, and the size would make sneaking start in the minus rather than in a possative number, to further add ballance to the race maybe exclude certain perks from the perk tree,


(2) there seems to be a tonn of tech for a world thats had 200 yrs of fallout, stealth suits that work even after the massive emp blast that would have rocked the world and destroyed all electrical componants, i propose an armour comprised of locally found trash and when you crouch all the trash comes together and for intence and perposes you vanish into the rubble that you carry, now if you move your not hidden the noise alone would alert your enemys, but while your still because you look like rubble you are rubble making the perfect sniper for the stealthy race. if any of you guys do take this up as a challange, your discression as far as the rubble and stuff goes. perks with luck in like the almost perfect perk and the sniper perk.


(3) stealthy race slightly thinner than normal humans maybe 10% thinner and and maybe a little shorter, again all colors to keep in toe with the game vault-tec wouldn't have cared about skin color as long as the subject was compatible with the mutagens is all that would have mattered, for obvious reasons the stealth race would get a bonus to sneaking and a boost to luck but over all toughness and endurance would be out of the window, this race will be a kill are be killed race not gun-ho by any stretch of the imagination one thing they would get though is rad resistance and the ability to not need food are water for long periods of time. perks should be aimed small arms for close encounters melee weapons for nightime assasinations that require a little more stealth than a gun and long ranged weapons... again certain perks should be removed from the perk tree for instance toughness and cyborg adamantium implants.


(4) some things i would like to see, more dust 200 years is a huge amount of time and some buildings have barely had visitors in all that time, i would expect there to be a tonn of dust.


(5) I know there is some awsome weather mods and planet changing mods like green world and theirworld but a world after nuclear war would have unpredictable weather patterns, i would love to see a mod with more snow that alters dc over a few hours to a winter wonderland then the day after it could 60 degrees in tha shade, i think the adverse weather should affect your character in the gaming world, if its cold ya should have to wrap up warm if its too hot ya should have to drop some layers, maybe asking too much with that one but who knows, raiders and travelers could get away with it because they have lived out there for the entiraty of there lives, power armour though would offer the benefit of climate control, so would some scout armours, hunting certain mobs in cold weather woul be much easier for instance rad scarpions would need heat like all insects to move properly so if you have a gripe with a scarpion it would be easier to kill in the cold same for deathclaws the look kinda reptilian so a need for heat would make them weak in the cold.


(6) the only tech that should survive effectivly is tech found in vaults that tech would have been hidden/shielded from the massive emp that would have been released from the nukes.


(7) does three dog really have to play that damn music seriously, lets say for one second that in 200yrs the music evovled into somthing more expressive, im guessing we all want hard rock music while were running round exicuting poor raiders and supermutants, and nothings says goodbye megaton more than some banging bass, im pretty sure that this awsome comunity has a modder out there that can compile some tunes together and add them to three dogs list, lol he could chuck in that stupid i dont want to set the world on fire garbage then a few moments later a little metalica.


by the way i dont want anything overpowered, i do want the game to have an essence of realism some of you guys have made the characters look real to the point of insanity lol and thats a great thing, if some of you can make half the stuff i asked for work i would be as happy as a coal miner finding a seam of gold pressed latinum.


if all that stuff i asked for already exists pop me the links cos i have downloaded so much stuff from nexus that my brain hurts.

and it would be awsomely appreciated if you guys could put some feedback either posative are negative i dont mind even ideas would be great, race ideas perks all that jazz, what i have proposed is just an idea, an idea that could benafit from all your ideas and hard work.

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had i scrolled once more i would have seen the modders requests really sorry about wrong page placment an admin will pick it up im guessing and move it to the appropiate page
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