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Oblivion crashing.....


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Okay, I am on save 870 right now. I start the game, I start playing and after about 3-10 saves the game becomes unsavable and unplayable.

I try to fast travel or sleep and I crash (probably because of auto save). I try to "new save" and I crash.


Basically I can't play the game anymore because I can't save it.


Has anyone ever had this problem or does anyone know how to fix this?


I would rather not lose this character since he's 170 quests in and has every skill and stat except for athletics at 100 or more.


Please help.


Oh, and I already tried reinstalling the game.

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When you use the built in uninstaller, it doesn't remove much. It leaves behind everything in your data folder that is not part of the vanilla game. It leaves all old saves, the Oblivion.ini and several stray references in the Windows registry that can cause problems when you reinstall.


If your crash is caused by a mod, and you didn't clean the data folder, it could still be causing the crash, even if you reinstalled the mods.


Here is a link to Bben's Crash Help



Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game without reinstalling - get rid of ALL mods.



Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It actually removes the stuff the game installed doesn't, and allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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