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Help with custom PC combat voice.


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Greetings. I'm trying to install the Anime Voice for my PC which is a female custom race. I DO NOT want to give the same voice to the NPC's.


Relevent mods to the situation are Elves of Lineage II and Elves of Lineage II Retex. Originally I was using Elf Female Younger Voice Replacement so I've replaced the battle sounds in the C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Sound\Voice\Oblivion.esm\High Elf and it's given all Elf-variety female NPC's the same noises as a result. So now I'd like to employ the sounds from Mystic Elf Female Anime Voice for Rens which includes manual installation options and BSA and ESP files.


Well the BSA, ESP combo don't seem to be working. I'm wondering if it's due to the fact that I'm actually using the Retex version of Elves of Lineage II.


I've gone into the CS and poked around and see that the Elves of Lineage II custom race is, like all other elf races, employing the High Elf voice. I've tried opening the ESP for both Elves of Lineage II and the Retex Esp and then directing them to chose something other than the default voice set, and then I go into the directory where battle voices are stored (and extract the BSA files to a fitting directory).


I.e. I extract the BSA to C:\..........\Data\Sound\Voice\Oblivion.esm\Dark Elf and then in the CS I select Dark Elf as the female voice for my custom race. Still my character has no voice in battle.



Could someone help me out?

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