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Anyone want some OP equipment?


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Nahhh, nobody ever wants god items in an RPG... :P


Here to offer services rather than make a request. I made a merchant a while ago as a delivery method for some OP items I answered a request for, and now I thought I'd combine all of the OP things I've done and also expand his inventory.


Note I'm not going to be making any new textures or meshes; vanilla only. However, if you want some wicked stats or enchantments, I can do that.


Currently he has is:

  • 1 ring of Night Eye
  • 1 ring of Detect Life & Detect Dead
  • 1 amulet of night Eye & Detect Life / Dead
  • massively overpowered conjuration potions - potion effects last one day, summons last... an untestedly long time. (Spell magnitude was set to 1 million, so they're near-permanent.)
  • 1 pair boots (clothes, not armor) of 100% muffle (the regular enchantment I believe only gives 50%)
  • 1 each amulet and ring of immunity to frost
  • 1 each amulet and ring of immunity to shock
  • 1 each amulet and ring of immunity to fire
  • 1 each amulet and ring of immunity to magic
  • 1 each amulet and ring of carry capacity + 1000
  • 1 "archmage ring" - reduces cost of spells in all magic schools by 75%
  • ------------all are disenchantable
  • ------------mod also includes crafting and tempering recipes for a new set of armor, which isn't particularly godlike, but was requested (Skyforge Steel with the same stats as ebony) so with new equipment I can include recipes as well

Yes, I know, they're absurdly OP. I don't really use such things but they are easy to make for those who want them. ^^ If anything wants anything along the same lines I can chuck them in his inventory.

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