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Companion Teleportation


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I am trying to make my companion teleport to the IC Marker District after completing a stage of the companions quest, the script I made is:


ScriptName CrysellaMain01GrandTeleportSpell


ref CrysellaToucher

short doState

float CrysellaZ


Begin ScriptEffectStart

set doState to 0

if (CrysellaRef.GetItemCount Torch02 > 0)

CrysellaRef.RemoveItem Torch02 1




Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

if doState == 0

CrysellaRef.MoveTo ICMarketDistrictCenter


CrysellaToucher.moveto CrysellaRef

set CrysellaZ to CrysellaRef.getpos Z

CrysellaToucher.setpos z CrysellaZ


CrysellaRef.pms CrysellaHolyEffect 1


set doState to 1






Begin ScriptEffectFinish




I'm not sure what I did wrong and any suggestion would be appreciated, if I can manage to do this, this is going to be a great companion mod! :biggrin:

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In most cases it would be a simple:

if getstage <questname> == <stage> && <actorRef>.<local variable> == 0
set <actorRef>.<local variable> to 1
<actorRef>.movetomarker <marker>


But, you should be aware that scripts on NPCs only run when the NPC is in the active area around the player, and moving an actor from an active cell to an inactive cell can cause some stability issues. Meaning that the bit of scripting which moves an actor usually needs to be attached to a script which is in an active cell (or quest) and the actor usually needs to be moved to an active cell.

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Vagrant0, in the quest the actor will be around the player when they use their spell. An example is like in the Rhianna Companion mod she is able to use a return home spell where she casts it and is teleported to her home marker. The example of Rhianna is something of what I want except that I want my companion mod to cast a unique spell that will show every time she teleports ( CrysellaRef.pms CrysellaHolyEffect 1 ), it looks really cool. Also, is there a way to make an option to always teleport, and not during specific quest stages? And is it possible to add your own spell effect when companion teleports (like a burst of light comes out of the companion then they teleport) or is that impossible? Thx for the advice, nice to know people can help with these complicated scripts.
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