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Where's the affection?


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cmassaz7 released a mod yesterday that allows the HNF to hug her father. This started a discussion in our house last night about why is it that only the Dalish origin showed any real kind of affection between the warden and their family/friends? Why did BW leave it out? In the Dalish origin, as you leave the clan you give a slight hug to Merril and a similar touching moment with your keeper. But why not the humans in the noble origin? Your mother tells you she loves you, and you can respond, but that's it. In the dwarf commoner origin you can say goodbye to Leske and Rica, and only Leske has a believable response where he tells you to leave before he cries. The dwarf noble female character can tell Gorim to hold her one last time, then the screen blanks out. However, the worst offender has to be the city elf. You have to leave, and all your father can do is hold his hands behind his back, and tell you he wanted grandkids. WTH? Of all the origins you would have thought this would have warranted a hug, hand on shoulder, or something.


So, how many of you feel like I do? That affection can be shown by more than just romance options in a game, especially in the origins.

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i tottally agree this game needs a bit more affection , and more love. Cmon your paresnts die and all you do is leave them behind, no last cuddle or anything before they get left to rot, and no tears from PC
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However, the worst offender has to be the city elf. You have to leave, and all your father can do is hold his hands behind his back, and tell you he wanted grandkids. WTH? Of all the origins you would have thought this would have warranted a hug, hand on shoulder, or something.


You can tell Shianni that you love her :rolleyes: IMO the city elf doesn't have the greatest relationship with his/her father, they speak and are sociable but they are really not that close, CE being much closer to Adaia due to the weapons training and her rebellious nature. Cyrion is more straight-laced and uptight, all about the home and family thing which is not really anywhere in the 18-19 yr old CE's thinking. My elves are all, "Woohoo! I'm outta this s***-hole; bye dad, take it easy..." A more affectionate goodbye with Shianni yes, with dad... not so much but that is my opinion.


Human noble should have had the mother/son - father/daughter hug from the start being raised by obviously caring parents but it begs the question, what would they have left unfinished had they taken the time to add that?


I have difficulty thinking like a Dalish so I really can't speak to that one and I haven't done much of anything with the dwarves so I will reserve comment there as well.

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RustyBlade, I have to agree with you on Shianni, especially after what she goes through. However, even though you are not that close with your father, you are still his only child leaving for what might be forever. Even just a little something to let the kid know he still loved his child. But it could just be that my fiance and I both come from large close familes as to why we think something is really wrong with the city elf's departure.
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Ever hear the Harry Chapin song "Cat's in the Cradle"?


"and the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man in the moon. I said when ya coming home dad. I don't know when, but we'll get together then, son. We'll have a good time then"


That song? Of course I probably have the father and son backwards. It's been a while since I heard the song. And I know what you are getting at. I have a friend that felt the same way until his father died last year. He regrets not having seen his father much the last few years. He thinks he never really got to say goodbye. I think that part is missing. If not during the origin, at least he would do it if the warden survives at the end. But the ending I'll leave for another discussion because none of them seemed quite right, especially some of the people they chose to be the close member to be at the celebration/funeral.

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Cat Stevens?


My memory is very iffy thing.



Cat Stevens , that would be Father and Son another song about distance in a relationship,

There's the Cat Sevens song Oh Very Young, about letting the young become their own people, as hard as that is for the elder to do. Then there's the Harry Chapin song Cat's in the Cradle, about not having time for your children, then being saddened when they grow up and don't have time for you.


(And yes, there are multiple layers of meaning and perspective in both, so we can take those discussions to the Off-Topic Thread! :laugh:

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