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Which Splinter Cell Games are Good?


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tbh conviction was the best. IMO it has the smoothest controls and the best pace, the only downside to it was a short story mode (even coop was short) other splintercell games are more slower and the inventory systems were less than reliable. Oh and dont play essentials for the psp if you can avoid it. the control scheme was,, bad to say the least.


Id say stick to MGS games, even peace walker would be better compared to double agent (just sayin)

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tbh conviction was the best. IMO it has the smoothest controls and the best pace,


That's because the first 3(Double Agent doesn't exist!!!) are pure stealth espionage games instead of a cover shooter which conviction tries to be. In the first three games Sam's very presence could start world war 3 so he has to be the man who wasn't there. The invisible shadow you've never seen. In conviction he is just a Jack Bauer impersonator seeking for revenge. Of course this is way more appealing to the normal shooter gamer but it's still a complete betrayal to the core fans of the series. In my book Splinter Cell only has 3 games - the series ended with the death of Lambert and Sam Fisher's daughter.


On topic: If you are really interested in the game's story you should start with the first title and work your way through till the end of the third game. But the best is clearly the third - gameplay and storywise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just finish conviction on my friend PC,Damn ! this is not splinter cell series anymore.feel more like cover based shooter (like army of two or uncharted series ) and its the shortest campaign of all other series, second to chaos theory.i bet all those splinter cell fan were dissapointed :pinch: just like me =(


but if you haven't played the previous series before.this is a entertaining and worth to buy game.

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Only played Conviction by borrowing from a friend, and all in all, I loved it. The developers had to go through a lot, and I'd say it paid off. While I like the mark and execute feature, you can basically abuse it. Get caught? Oh well. Mark and execute. I'm unsure I can do this part manually; too many guards. Mark and execute. Co-op is very fun with a friend, but again...mark and execute is next to cheating. If 1 player has four executes, the other player can hop on for another four, free of charge. 8 dead. Second player does the same thing. 16 FREE kills.


Single player was really short. Decided to hole up for a day and beat the game in a single sitting.


Only other thing I really disliked was the whole black and white thing. I know minimalistic HUD is cool, but I hate it when everything goes colorless. Especially since you are supposed to be in the dark most of the time.

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