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Falmer - Daredevil - Playable race


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Is it possible to make the Falmer a playable race? I mean, their blind, but what if you could make a mod that makes everything look like an Echolocation effect: Black with echo lines flowing over everything. And you can still hear everything around you like a normal person, but you don't suffer from anything like darkness or anything because you're blind. Heck, you could remove the visibility of the sun and light sources completely, just including an ever-present ambience because you don't see.


I know this might seem odd, but I think it might be a fun experience trying to play as a Blind race.

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This suggestion has actually been around for years, and I did the very bare bones of trying it in the beginning of my racial tweaks mod (by clicking "playable" on the Falmer race in the CK :P) and the effects were... undesirable. The problem is, I believe, lots and lots and lots of animation issues. Maybe 1st-person mesh issues too? I'm not sure, I just know it was bad.


If that were to be fixed, though, then it wouldn't be too hard to give them a permanent "racial ability" or invisible perk sort of spell that forces a filter like Night Eye over everything. And in fact the Falmer in the CK are only set to 80% blind, so they seem to still be light-sensitive. At least it's a good rationalization for not giving the player a black screen.

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My thoughts were to do something like this

(Which was why i said daredevil in the title), but i guess that would be really hard to do, wouldn't it?


Also, I've never made mods before, can you explain more about these "animation issues" - I actually know how to animate in Maya, so i might be able to help if its something like a simple animation messup

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The visual effects probably wouldn't be easy, per se, and might be kind of intensive for the pc, but after things like Predatory Vision I'm assuming that it isn't undoable. ^^



Unfortunately, I am not an animator, so I have no idea what's actually happening. (And currently my desktop is out of commission and this laptop would explode if I tried to actually run Skyrim, so I can't test, but...) if I recall correctly, to first problem was that when you came into the game as a Falmer, you were a pair of floating eyeballs or something :tongue:


Falmer don't use the same skeleton as the playable races. Taking a shot in the dark, and standard disclaimer applies, I guess they don't have most of the necessary animations... or maybe it's that the game tries to stuff the Falmer body onto the standard skeleton to make it work? I really don't know. Something something camera bone something?


If you want to see for yourself what happens - it's been a couple years since I tried it - the attached file has Falmer marked as playable.



Edited by AnkhAscendant
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I used the console commands once to setrace falmer on myself and the camera got all messed up and I couldn't attack or even equip falmer armor or weapons on myself as a falmer, I literally couldn't perform any actions at all. So I tried the Alternate Actors mod and Polymorphy mod and had similar problems so I think a playable falmer race is near impossible to create but I could be wrong.

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Also I don't think the Falmer are completely blind only day blind meaning bright sources of light cause them pain or discomfort after all they live their whole lives underground in Dwemer ruins and caves where their eyes would have gotten used to the lower levels of light giving them a type of limited nightvision combined with their heightened hearing would allow them to fire a bow with poisoned arrows at a person with relative accuracy if you see what I'm getting at. Any playable Falmer race would have to wear something like Dwemer goggles and heavy clothes or armor to cover their skin from getting easily burnt by the sunlight, Maybe chitin goggles of some kind to protect there eyes on the surface world.

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maybe using "predator vision by ghoper" adjuting the saturation to your liking and using it all the time?http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22274/?


but damn!! doin that will make your eyes hurt


Wow, the saturation of the colors is terrible. My thoughts were to do something like that, but monochrome the entire thing, so that everything is either black or covered in a white aura. But what if you turn this into an active power or sorts, where when you turn the power on, you close your eyes and everything enters sonar vision, and if you don't have this power active, and you see a bright light, you take damage to your health and get blinded.

sorry, i didn't watch the video yet and didn't realize how it actually worked. thought it was a weird lighting/texture mod. Should have realized Gopher wouldn't do something that crude.


And yeah, making Chittin Goggles a craftable thing would be cool. But that sounds more like a Glass-Armor trait, so that would be cool. Maybe start you off in a small Falmer camp in a dwemer ruin and there's a Smither who can craft you Reflective Falmer Armor that reflects light away from you and Glass Chittin Goggles, which allow for you to see bright lights.


Also, whenever you activate Falmer Vision, you are forced into 3rd person, because you aren't seeing from your eyes, rather you are seeing even your own body because you are listening to everything. Do you think making it a 3rd person only move a bit of a help during this?

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What you're talking about dealing with the blindness effects and such might be useful if you want to actually be an Altmer and pretend you're a Falmer, but because of what Morgwynn reported in his first post it's really the least of the concerns when wanting to make a playable Falmer race.

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