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Help with making a unpickable chest


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I am making a thieves retreat and one of the things i want is an unpickable chest, but it wont work, my script is:


scriptname ThievesRetreatChestScript


BEGIN GameMode


ThievesRetreatChestRef.Lock 80




BEGIN onActivate


ThievesRetreatChestRef.Lock 80




I even set an xmarker as the parent but when i activate the chest it opens up as if it were a normal container, there is no lock on it either.

Please help.

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I have no idea with the coding and all, but just make a new chest in the construction set and set the lock as "Need a key" Would be much easier.

How would that work? Im making a chest that can be picked over and over again like the one in dunbarrow cove.

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I have no idea with the coding and all, but just make a new chest in the construction set and set the lock as "Need a key" Would be much easier.

How would that work? Im making a chest that can be picked over and over again like the one in dunbarrow cove.


According to the TES Construction Set Wiki :

Locked doors, containers and books are activated a second time automatically when you open the lock or take the book. To find out when a door was unlocked, for example, you can wait for GetLocked == 0 in the OnActivate-block.

so maybe something like this would work...


scriptname ThievesRetreatChestScript


BEGIN GameMode


ThievesRetreatChestRef.Lock 80




BEGIN onActivate


if GetLocked==0

ThievesRetreatChestRef.Lock 80






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I do not understand the design parameters:


an unpickable chest
a chest that can be picked over and over again like the one in dunbarrow cove.


You can't have it both ways. You can either never pick it, not even once, or you can pick it over and over to your heart's content.

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I do not understand the design parameters:


an unpickable chest
a chest that can be picked over and over again like the one in dunbarrow cove.


You can't have it both ways. You can either never pick it, not even once, or you can pick it over and over to your heart's content.

I apologize if i was unclear i want a chest that can be repeatedly picked over and over.

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Oooh! I wanna try!

This one involves a reset chest activator .... You can make that something like a key - would be more immersive, no?




Scriptname KeyActivatorScript


Ref Chest

short locked


Begin Onactivate

set chest to thievesretreatchestref

chest.lock 80





Obviously, this script is applied rather to the activator than to the chest.

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GetLocked states whether or not the chest is locked.


But, anyways, this is a simple script:


ScriptName ChestScript


begin gamemode


if GetLocked == 0

lock 80





Attach this to the chest, and there you go! =)

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Maybe its something wrong with the chest? i am using just a plain old lower class chest and persistant referance IS ticked, none of these scripts work they either let me pen the chest as normal or dont let me open the chest at all.
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